
  1. Fecal matter / urine / etc within the peritoneal cavity => trauma?
    • inflammation or swelling of the peritoneum
    • Abdominal pain
    • Tenderness
    • Muscle spasm
    • Nausea/vomiting
    • Distention
    • Guarding
  2. Blood within the peritoneal cavity => trauma:
    Does not provoke an inflammatory response, therefore no pain or tenderness: hypovolemic shock is common in these injuries followed by septic shock
  3. Pediatric airway (ABC)?
    • Head tilt/Chin lift will occlude their airway
    • Use neutral sniffing position (fold a small towel under their shoulder - not trauma duh!)
  4. Evisceration Tx?
    • Cover as we know +
    • Have a separate blanket just for the organs
  5. Fontanels?
    • Infants have two small openings in the skull called fontanels.
    • Fontanels close by 18 months
  6. Infant Respiration check?
    • Count for 30 seconds
    • They breath so fast that if you miss one at a 15 sec check, that's 4 overall
  7. Infant Pulse check?
    Whole minute as it's so fast
  8. BVM for Peds is?
  9. Croup cause?
  10. Epiglottitis cause?
    Bacterial - drooling
  11. RSV age?
    2 months to 6 months
  12. SIDS - if child is DRIED and parents are freaking out?
    Still do CPR etc.
  13. What to do with a damaged helmet or damaged car seat?
    goes with you to the hospital as it gives the doctors an idea of what happened and how severe
  14. Children involved in trauma tend to do what?
    swallow air, creating stomach distention = vomit
  15. BBoarding a kid (orientation)?
    • only come in one size, so you have to pad around the kid
    • KEDs work well too
  16. One femur broken (how to get onto BBoard?)?
    Log roll
  17. Bilateral anything (how to get onto BBoard?)scoop
  18. Broken Pelvis (how to get onto BBoard?)
  19. Proper C-Collar measurement:
    Line of the Chin to the trap
  20. Kid in intact car seat?
    Pad around the kid and tape up
  21. Kid in damaged car seat?
    • 1. Hold C-Spine
    • 2. Lay seat on BBoard with kid's head ending up on narrow end
    • 3. Cut straps on car seat
    • 4. Put a blanket / padding on the board
    • 5. Slide kid onto BBoard
    • 6. Have his head touching the board, but his body on the padding. This will keep his spine straight
    • 7. Pad all around child with blankets / noodle
    • 8. S2H / S2H
    • 9. One across the legs left to right
    • 10. Make sure padding is good
    • 11. Star across the head, 1 under the chin
  22. Using a KED to transport a infant?
    • 1. As above but onto a KED
    • 2. Head at narrow end of KED
    • 3. Put a blanket / padding on the KED
    • 4. Slide kid onto KED
    • 5. Have his head touching the board, but his body on the padding. This will keep his spine straight
    • 6. Pad all around child with blankets / noodle
    • 7. Tie Straps across 'chest' part of KED
    • 8. Make sure padding is good
    • 9. Star across the head (don’t cut the tape, just wrap it 3 times around the KED)
    • 10. One wrap around abdomen with tape
    • 11. no tape under the chin as you probably wont have a C-Collar for an infant. If you do, then do put it under the chin
  23. Vassal vagus syndrome
    Straining too hard to poop with stimulate the Vagus nerve. This lowers HR and thus they syncope off the toilet.
  24. Find a painful limb?
    Still treat it like splintable thing
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EMR Class 8