Super Quiz pg's 80-89

  1. Britain traded with _______ and _______ more than their own colonies.
    Latin America; United States.
  2. Who amassed the second largest empire?
  3. Who was the German ruloer from 1888-1918?
    Kaiser Wilhelm II
  4. What was the German ruler's main goal during his term in office?
    To build a strong German navy.
  5. Governments encouraged citizens to view their nation as masculine in contrast to colonies who were seen as __________.
  6. Which two countries were left untouched to colonialism in Africa?
    Liberia and Abyssinia (Ethiopia).
  7. When was the Berlin Conference?
  8. Who was the Prime Minister of Germany?
    Otto von Bismarck
  9. What wast he main purpose of the Berlin Conference?
    Over control of the Congo River in particular, and more generally, to lay the ground rules for colonization.
  10. How did the artificial entity of the "tribe" reconfigure African society?
    It reconfigured ethnic and cultural identities in African society.
  11. How was the practice of slavery and slave trade handled at the Berling Conference?
    Europeans enforced abolitonism to a much greated extent than before.
  12. What other forms of "slavery" offurred after the Berlin Conference?
    Slave trading, and forced labor.
  13. Give an example of how the British benefitted from exploiting divisions between local communities.
    Lonstanding commercial connections with coastal comunities provided them with a base of operations and a ready source of supplies.
  14. What happened at the Battle of Omdurman?
    Field artillery and hand-driven Gatling machine guns allowed Anglo-Egyptian forces to kill 11,000 and wound 16,000 Sudanese soldiers with only 49 dead and 382 wounded among them.
  15. Under what terms was King Leopold granted control of the Congo region?
    Free trading and shipping rights in the region for other European States.
  16. Today, the Congo Free State is known as the _______________________.
    Democratic Republic of the Congo
  17. Which group met Belgium with resistance?
    Arab Slave Traders
  18. Where were German traders and missionaries most active?
    Togoland, Cameroon, South West Africa, East Africa.
  19. Give two examples of where Germany attempted to gain its own piece of Africa.
    When Germany protested againt the Franco-Spanish; the Agadir Incident of 1911, when the Kaiser sent a gunboat to the Moroccan port of Agadir in a display of German power meant to intimidate the French.
  20. Where did Italy face embarrassment by losing againt African locals?
    East Africa.
  21. What happened at the Battle of Adowa. Give five damn facts.
    • 1) King Menelik's troops.
    • 2) About 100,000 soldiers.
    • 3) Using European breechloaders.
    • 4) Defeated an Italian force of 14,5000.
    • 5)Italian troops were equiped with inaccurate maps.
  22. What regions of Africa were dominated by France?
    West Africa and North Africa.
  23. Which territories were known as French West Africa?
    Ivory Coast, Senegal, Guinea, and Mali.
  24. Who controlled the Island of Madagascar by 1896?
  25. Who is considered the maker of modern Egypt?
    Evelys Baring (First Earl of Cromer)
  26. Why was General Charles Gordon known as "Chinese Gordon"?
    Because of his role in suppressing the Taiping Rebellion.
  27. Who was known as the "Guided One"?
  28. Who led resistance movements in the Sudan?
    General Charles Gordon
  29. What was the main purpose of the British-Chartered Royal Niger Company?
    In an effort to protect the commercial interests of British palm oil.
  30. How many lives were lost in the Boer War?
    75,000 :c
  31. How many lives were lost in concentration camps in South Africa?
    20,000! u_u
  32. Conquest shifted from Africa to _____ at the turn of the 20th century.
  33. How much money was invested in railways by London financiers?
    More than 2.5
Card Set
Super Quiz pg's 80-89
Super Quiz Relay stuff.