pharm chap 40 GI

  1. the --- prevents the stomach contents form moving backwards into the esophagus and condition known as ----
    • cardiac sphinter
    • GERD
  2. gastric juice is the most ---in the body and has a pH of ----
    • acidic
    • 1.5-3.5
  3. caffeinated beverages and smoking are risk factors to assess for in the development of what condition
    peptic ulcers
  4. the gram negative bacterium H pylori is the primary cause of what type of ucler development
    peptic ulcers
  5. the development of GERD is often associated with what medical condition
  6. the drug of choice in the H2 receptor antagonists, rantidine (zantac) is perferable to the use of cimetine (tagament) for what reason
    zantac has a higher potency than tagament and can be given once daily
  7. Mrs. Johnson has been using over the counter proton pump inhibitors for the relief of gastric upset. the nurse should teach her that appropriate administration is to:
    • never crush or chew the medication
    • take before meals
  8. in the treatment of H pylori the nurse must reconginze that the use of two or more antibiotics is essential for what reason
    two or more antibiotics are used in order to lower the possibility for bacterial resistance
  9. in addition to the use of multiple antibiotics what compound may be added to the treatment of H pylori
    bismuth compounds
  10. peptic ulcer disease is commonly treated with inexpensive therapy medications called
    antacids because they are effective at neutralizing stomach acid and are inexpensive for treating PUD and GERD
  11. the nurse must be aware of what natural therapy that many people use to induce a sense of calm, but which in reality could make esophageal reflux more pronounced
  12. what natural therapy should the nurse encourage patients to use to strengthen the upper GI tract
  13. an ulcer is and---of the ----layer of the GI tract ---is the most common site
    • erosion
    • mucus
    • duodenum
  14. external risk factors associated with -- include drugs such as ---, ---, and----
    • pud
    • glucocorticoids
    • aspirin
    • NSAIDS
  15. crohns disease is
    ulcerations in the lower small intestine
  16. zollinger - ellison syndrome is cause by
    hypersecretion of gastric acid
  17. during an assessment the nurse should recognize which characteristic symptom as most indicative of a duodenal ulcer
    gnawing or buring i the upper abdomen
  18. the patient has a history of gastic ulcers which symptom would indicate a reoccurance
    pain, briefly relieved by food
  19. IBD includes which two illnesses
    crohns disease and ulcerative colitis
  20. interventions for a care plan of a patient with PUD
    • smoking cessation
    • abstinence from alcohol
    • avoidance of caffeine
  21. which class of drugs reduces acid secretion in the stomach by binding irreversiblily to an enzyme on the parietal cells
    proton pump inhibitors
  22. the two major drugs classes used to effectively treat nausea due to motion sickenss are--- and ---
    anticholingergics and antihistamines
  23. constipation is characterized by
    decrease in frequency and the number of BM
  24. the eitology of constipation may be related to
    insufficient food intake liquids and dietary fiber
  25. bulk forming agents work by
    absorbs water, increasing size of fecal mass
  26. stool softners work by...
    causes water to be absorbed into stool
  27. stimulant laxatives work by
    irritates the bowel causing peristalis
  28. osomotic laxatives work by
    pulling water into the stool
  29. mineral oil works by
    lubricates the stool and the colon
  30. patient education on laxatives include
    • goals of therapy
    • reason for treatment
    • possivle side effects
  31. a nursing assessment of a client on laxative therapy should include all of the following
    • vitals
    • abdominal assessment
    • character of stool
  32. name of bulk forming laxative
    psyllium mucilloid (metamucil)
  33. the nurse is caring for a patient preparing for a colonscopy she should be prepared to give what
  34. what is one of the major precipitating factors in the develop of IBS
  35. ms smith has had intractable diarrhea for two weeks. The nurse would expect to administer what
    opioids such as atropine, lomotil
  36. with prolonged episode of vomiting the patient could be at risk for the development of what problem
    acid base disturbances
  37. when treating a nauseated patient with antiemetics,it is essential that the nurse to understand
    patient safety is a concern as drowsiness is a frequent side effect
  38. what dietary information is it helpful to record when treating diarrhea in children
    measure the fluid intake including popsicles and ice chips, weigh the client daily
  39. mrs. james has been given a drug for treatment of nausea and vomiting. she is now complaining of dry mouth, constipation, and rapid heart rate. what drug would cause these side effects
    compazine (prochlorperazine)
  40. in giving vistaril the nurse must be careful to deliver what type of injection
    deep IM, using the Z track method
  41. mr. howard has been diagnosed with constipation after surgery. what drug shoud the nurse have prepared to administer?
    Docusate sodium (colace)- stool softner
  42. Mr. Howard should be urged to take diphenhydrinate (Dramamine) how long before he plans to board a fishing boat for an overnite trip
    20-60 minutes
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pharm chap 40 GI
GI pharm