Muscle energy

  1. Rib 1 Exhalation Dysfunctions
    Patient raises head directly towards ceiling

    Anterior and Middle Scalenes
  2. Rib 2 exhalation dysfunction
    Patient turns head 30 degrees away from dysfunctional side and lifts head toward ceiling

    Posterior Scalene
  3. Ribs 3-5 exhalation dysfunction
    Pectoralis minor

    Patients pushes elbow of affected side toward the opposite ASIS
  4. Ribs 6-9 exhalation dysfunction
    Push arm anterior

    Serratus anterior
  5. Ribs 10-12 exhalation dysfunction
    Patient adducts arm

    quadratus lumborum
  6. Right superior pubic shear
    • 1. drop the patient's right leg off the table and abduct until resistance is felt
    • 2. instruct patient to bring his right knee to his left ASIS (flexion and adduction), against counterforce
  7. Right inferior pubic shear
    • 1. Flex and abduct patient's right hip and knee and until resistance is felt
    • 2. Instruct patient to push his right knee to his left (extension and adduction) against counterforce
  8. Right arm restriction in supination
    radial head posterior

    • 1. place your right hand at the distal end of the patient's right forearm and supinate it to initial resistance as you monitor with the other thumb at the radial head
    • 2. direct the patient to pronate the right forearm against equal resistance supplied through your right hand
    • 3. maintain force until contractile force at the localized segment is sensed
    • 4. patient and physician relax and the physician takes up the slack to the new barrier
  9. Right forearm has restriction of pronation
    radial head anterior

    • 1 support the patient's right elbow with your left hand
    • 2. Place your right hand at the distal end of the patient's right forearm and pronate it to inital resistance
    • 3 direct the patient to supinate the right forearm against an equal conterforce supplied through your right hand
    • 4. maintain force until contractile force at the localized segment is sensed then patient and physician relax and the physician takes up the slack to the new barrier
  10. right fibular head anterior
    • 1. patient prone with knee, place your right hand on the lateral side of the patient's foot, cupping the ankle
    • 2. plantar-flex and invert the patient's foot to initial resistance
    • 3. Externally rotate the tibia
    • 4 Direct the patient to dosiflex against your isometric counterforce
    • 5 Relax forces, than plantar-flex, invert and externally rotate the tibia to the new barrier
  11. Right fibular head posterior
    • 1. With the patient prone and knee flexed, place your right hand on the lateral side of the patient's foot cupping the ankle
    • 2. plantar flex and invert the patient's foot to intial resistance
    • 3. internally rotate the tibia
    • Direct the patient to dosiflex against your isometric counterforce5 Relax forces, than plantar-flex, invert and internally rotate the tibia to the new barrier
Card Set
Muscle energy
Muscle entergy