Comm 174 Midterm

  1. Quantitave V. Qualitative
    • Quantitave: Comm between two ppl
    • Qualitive: Comm between unique individuals
  2. Why do we comm?
    Meet basic needs
  3. Principles of Communication
    • a. cannnot not communicate
    • b. comm is irreversible
    • c. comm involves ethical choices
    • d. meaning are constucted by ppl
    • e. metacomm affects meaning
    • f. IP comm develops relationships
    • g. IP comm is not panacea
    • h. IP comm can be learned
  4. Image Upload 2
    • Maslows Hierarchy of needs
    • 1. Physical
    • 2. Safety
    • 3. Belonging
    • 4. Esteem
    • 5. Self-Actaulization
  5. Physical Needs
    survive & communicate
  6. Safety Needs
    protection from danger
  7. Belonging Needs
    talking to each other & sharing thoughs
  8. Self-Esteem Needs
    valuing & respecting ourselves and being valued by others
  9. Self-Actualization Needs
    fulling devloping and using unique talent,capacities, and potentialties
  10. Concept of Self
    mulitdimensinal process that involves internalization and acting from social perpections
  11. Improving Self Concept
    • Firm commitiment to change
    • Set goals that are realisitic
    • Create context that supports personal change
  12. Identity/Impression Management
    the process of moving from our private self to our public self when the occassion calls for it
  13. Process of perceiving others
    perception is defined as the personal creation of meaning by selecting, organizating, and interperting ppl , objects, events, and situations
  14. Selection
    select stimuli based on specific factors
  15. Organization
    the process of making sense of what we have selected by catagorizing the stimlus.
  16. Four Schemata
    • 1. Protoype
    • 2. Personal Constructs
    • 3. Sterotype
    • 4. Scripts
  17. Prototype
    clearest representation of a category
  18. Personal Constructs
    yardstick of measurement along bipolar dimensions of judgement
  19. Sterotypes
    predictive generalizations based on limited experience
  20. Scripts
    expected sequence of activites attached to particular events
  21. Interpertation
    we construct meaning for what we have selected based on how we have organized the person and/or event
  22. Interperatation is influenced by?
    • culture
    • self-expectations
    • constructive abilities
    • physiology
    • age
  23. Improving Social Perception
    • question the accuracy of your perceptions
    • seek more info
    • talk w/ ppl
    • realize perceptions need to change
  24. Language Use
    • arbitrary
    • abstract
    • ambiguous
  25. Two Rules to Language Use
    • 1. Regulative
    • 2. Construtive
  26. Regulative Rule
    how, where, when & with whom you talk to about certian things
  27. Constructive Rule
    specifying how to interpert specific kinds of comm
  28. Language ____________
    • a. Defines
    • b. Evaluates
    • c. Oraganizes perceptions
    • d. allows hypthetical thought
    • e. allows self-refection
  29. General Cultural Distinctions
    • 1. Low Context Cultures
    • 2. High Context Cultures
  30. Low Context Cultures
    use lang to express thoughts, feelings, and ideas as clearly and logically as possible
  31. High context cultuers
    value lang as a way to maintain social harmony. INdirect comm is acceptable and even common
  32. Speech Communities
    exisits when ppl share norms about how to use talk and what purpose it serves
  33. Masculine
    • giving advise
    • taking action
    • less conversational
    • demanding
  34. Feminine
    • empathic
    • talk though issues
    • conversational
    • more likely to make requests
  35. Principles of Nonverbal Communication
    • suppliments verbal comm
    • regaulate interaction
    • establish relationships
    • reflects and expresses cultural patterns and values
  36. ______ of communication is nonverbal
  37. Types of Nonverbal Communication
    • 1. Kinesics
    • 2. Artifacts
    • 3. Evironmental Factors
    • 4. Proxemics & Personal Space
    • 5. Chronemics
    • 6. Paralanguage & Silence
  38. Term for how we percieve time
  39. Term for communication that doesnt use terms
  40. Architecture is nonverbal commincation?
  41. Adverage distance between ourselves and close friends
    18 in
  42. Three ways to genderize children
    • 1. pink & blue blankets
    • 3. clothing
  43. Furnisher arrangement rooted in taoism
    Fung Shui
  44. Term for space
  45. Term for body language study
  46. In the U.S we view time as valuable
  47. People with forgein accents are seen as more or less intelligent
  48. Poets say the ___ are the window to the soul
  49. Identify one type of religious artifact
  50. Culture that views silence as respectful
  51. Example of how people arrange furniture to discourge conversation
    towards to TV
  52. Chronemics
    • time
    • valued in the US
  53. Artifacts
    • personal objects used to show identity
    • shows status
  54. Kinesics
    • body position and motions
    • shows feelings
  55. Paralanguage/Silence
    vocal but doesnt use words
  56. Environmental Factors
    • things around us
    • feng shui
  57. Proxemic & Personal Space
    • how space is used
    • 4-12ft for general ppl
    • 18in for friends
    • shows power
  58. Listening
    Not socially thought
  59. Six Steps to Listening
    • 1. being mindful
    • 2. hearing
    • 3. selecting & organizing
    • 4. interpreting
    • 5. responding
    • 6. remembering
  60. Being mindful
    getting ready to listen
  61. Hearing
    physically receiving messages
  62. Selecting & Organizing
    chosing what to pay attention to
  63. Interpreting
    what words mean to you
  64. Responding
    verbal & nonverbal indications of attention & interest
  65. Remembering
    retaining info
  66. Internal Obsticals to Listening
    • preoccupation
    • prejudgement
    • reacting to emotionally loaded lang
    • lack of effort
    • failure to adapt listening styles
  67. Adapting to Listening Goals
    • listening for pleasure
    • listening for info
    • listening to support others
    • listening critically
  68. Empathy
    understanding anothers situation
  69. Sympathy
    feeling sorry for another
  70. Forms of Non-Listening
    • Pseudolistening
    • Monopolizing
    • Selecive listening
    • Defensive listening
    • Ambushing
    • Literal listening
  71. Pseudolistening
    pretending to be listening
  72. Monopolizing
    continually focusing attention on ourselves
  73. Selective Listening
    focusing only on the parts of comm that interests or appeals to you
  74. Defensive Listening
    perceiving personal attacks when none exists
  75. Ambushing
    listening carefully for the purpose of attaching the speaker
  76. Literal Listening
    listening only for content and not nonverbal cues
  77. What is an Emotion?
    • an feeling
    • express verbally and nonverbally
  78. Emotional Intelligence
    the ability to recongize which feelings are appropriate in which situations and the ability to communicate those feelings
  79. The Nature of Emotions
    emotions are the process that are shaed by physiology, perceptions, lang & social experiences
  80. Physiology
    physiological response to emotions
  81. Perceptial
    meaning attached to experiences
  82. Social
    perceptions influenced by society
  83. Language
    the means to explicity label our emotions
  84. Importance of Emotinal Expression
    • choosing not to express emotions
    • expressing emotions when its healthy
  85. Common reasons not to express
    • 1. social expectations
    • 2. vulnerability
    • 3. protecting others
    • 4. social & professinal roles
  86. Social Expectations
    norms placed on us saying who should be able to express emotions freely
  87. Vulnerablity
    withholding info that may negatively impact the way ppl perceive us
  88. Protecting Others
    withholding feelings to protect anothers feelings
  89. Social & Professional Roles
    our roles may make expressing emotions inappropriate @ times
  90. Guidelines for Communicating Effectively
    • identify your emotions
    • thoughtfully choose how to comm your emotions
    • own your feelings
    • monitor self-talk
  91. Ineffective Emotional Expression
    • speaking in generalilites
    • not owning feelings
    • counterfeit emotonial intelligence
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Comm 174 Midterm
Comm 174 Midterm