CIS 3630 Test 1b.txt

  1. Page properties
    • Provide information to Web search engines about the Web page
    • Use to set formatting characteristics for the entire Web page, such as the page description, the keywords, and the background color for the page
    • Alternatively, you can display the page properties by clicking File on the menu bar, and then clicking Properties
  2. Page title
    • Text appears in the title bar at the top of the screen when the Web page is viewed in the browser
    • Is scanned by Web search engines
    • Should be brief, yet descriptive of the page content, limit to 70 characters
  3. Change the background color of a page
    In the Page Properties dialog box, click the Formatting tab

    You can also change the page background by clicking Format on the menu bar, and then clicking Background. You can also press the Alt+Enter keys
  4. Inline style
    • A style that affects the appearance of a portion of text within a block-level element
    • Formatting changes that apply to just a particular section of one document. Yet, this syle for the background color has been used with the [body] tag, the style affects the entire page
  5. Quick Tag Selector bar
    • Keep track of what tags have been entered in your code, lists the most recent tags you have used
    • Is fixed at the top of the Editing window
    • It makes it easier to select, edit, and remove tags while working in Design view
    • You can click the list arrow to select a tag and its contents, select only the contents of the tag, edit or remove the tag, open the Quick Tag Editor, or open the properties dialog box for an item
    • The Quick Tag Selector bar is often referred to as the "breadcrumb bar" because it shows a trail of tags that leads from one point in the document code to another
  6. Headings
    • Specially formatted text that appears over body text and categorizes the text. XHTML has 6 heading styles
    • The 6 heading elements (h1 through h6) are commonly used to change the appearance of a single line of text. Headings do the following:
    • Change the size of text
    • Make the text appear in bold
    • Insert a blank line before and after the text in the heading
  7. Point
    • Creating headings is not the only method for changing the size of text. A point is a unit of measurement for type. A point is in typography, approximately 1/72 of an inch in height
    • Expression Web also allows you to change the point size alone by choosing from 7 CSS keywords in the Font Size list box on the Common toolbar. A keyword is a word that has special meaning in CSS code
  8. Headings, CSS Keyword, Point Size
    • Heading: -
    • CSS: xx-large
    • Point Size: 36

    • h1, x-large, 24
    • h2, large, 18
    • h3, medium, 14
    • h4, small, 12
    • h5, x-small, 10
    • h6, xx-small, 8

    You can format them, such as h2 heading display 36 points rather than 18 points. To do so, you would create the h2 heading, select the text in the heading, and apply a different point size
  9. Font
    • A particular design given to the appearance of text
    • Times New Roman and Arial are 2 very common used fonts
  10. Serif font
    • Has stroke endings that resemble hooks or tails, ex: Times New Roman
    • A font whose characters have finished strokes
  11. Sans-serif font
    A font that does not have the stroke endings or not have finishing strokes, ex: Arial
  12. Monospace font
    Each character occupies the same amount of space, similar to print from an old-fashioned typewriter
  13. Cursive font
    Resembles handwriting
  14. Fantasy font
    More artistic, has an artistic flair
  15. Font face
    A particular type of font, such as Arial
  16. Font family
    • A group of variations on the same font face or similar typefaces, such Arial, Arial Narrow, and Arial Black
    • It can also be a group of fonts with similar appearance but different names, such as Arial or Helvetica
    • The Arial font is commonly found on Windows systems
    • The Helvetica font is commonly found on Apple computers
  17. XHTML fonts are grouped into 5 major categories, generic fonts
    • 1. Serif: Letters have strokes (serifs) that finish the top or bottom of the letter form, such as Times New Roman
    • 2. San serif: Letters do not have finishing strokes, such as Arial
    • 3. Monospace: Fixed-width letters, such as Courier New
    • 4. Fantasy: Decorative letters, such as Broadway
    • 5. Cursive: Letters designed to look like handwriting or script, such as Lucida Handwriting
  18. Font list
    The list of fonts to be used, such as Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif
  19. To change the border, style, color, and width
    • Click Format on the menu bar
    • Click Borders and Shading
  20. Font color
    • Text color
    • The foreground color of text
  21. Highlight color
    Background color of text
  22. Colors used in XHTML code are describe in 3 ways
    • 1. By name
    • 2. By their RGB triplet
    • 3. By hexadecimal value, 00 is the lowest intensity, FF is the highest
  23. Hexadecimal system
    • A number system based on the number 16
    • After the number 9, the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F are used to represent the numbers 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15
    • The hexadecimal number is preceded by a flag character, the # symbol
    • The numbers that follow the # flag character will be treated as code, not a number
    • Hexadecimal numbers = hex code
    • Repeated values can also be put into code using a shorthand notation called short hex

    The decimal system is based on the number 10
  24. Flag character
    A character such as the # symbol that has special significance in XHTML or CSS code
  25. Navy color
  26. Yellow color
    #FFFF00 or #FF0 (short hex notation)
  27. The Web safe colors from name, RGB Triplet, and Hexadecimal Value
    • Aqua, (0,255,255), #00FFFF
    • Black, (0,0,0), #000000
    • Blue, (0,0,255), #0000FF
    • Fuchsia, (255,0,255), #FF00FF
    • Gray, (128,128,128), #808080
    • Green, (0,128,0), #008000
    • Lime, (0,255,0), #00FF00
    • Maroon, (128,0,0), #800000
    • Navy, (0,0,128), #000080
    • Olive, (128,128,0), #808000
    • Purple, (128,0,128), #800080
    • Red, (255,0,0), #FF0000
    • Silver, (192,192,192), #C0C0C0
    • Teal, (0,128,128), #008080
    • White, (255,255,255), #FFFFFF
    • Yellow, (255,255,0), #FFFF00
  28. Ctrl+Alt+/ keys
    Show formatting marks
  29. Standard toolbar
    • Has many of the same buttons found on the Standard toolbar in Microsoft Word, such as Spelling, Cut, Copy, Paste, and the Format Painter
    • You can also use the Show formatting marks button on the Standard toolbar to reveal nonprinting characters, just as you would use the Show/Hide button in Microsoft Word
    • Click View on the menu bar, point to Toolbars, and then click Standard
  30. Ctrl+Home
    To position the insertion point at the top of the page
  31. Use the thesaurus feature
    • In the Editing window, click anywhere on the word
    • Press the Shift+F7 keys
    • You can also click Tools on the menu bar, and then clicking Thesaurus
  32. To see spelling options
    Click Tools on the menu bar, point to Spelling, and then click Spelling options
  33. Find and Replace dialog box
    • Click the Find button in the Standard toolbar or
    • Press the Ctrl+F keys or
    • Click Edit in the menu bar, and then click either Find or Replace

    Clicking the Find All button in the Find and Replace dialog box creates a list of all occurrences of the search string. The list appears in the Find1 window at the bottom of the screen
  34. To undo
    • Ctrl+Z keys or
    • Click the Undo button
  35. Copy and paste
    • It is important that the text you are copying into Expression Web not have any formatting
    • To remove fomatting from text, select the text, click Format on the menu bar, then click Remove Formatting
  36. Ctrl+Tab keys
    • If more than one page is open, press Ctrl+Tab keys to cycle forward through open pages
    • Press the Ctrl+Shift+Tab keys to cycle through them backward
  37. Creating lists
    • XHTML refers to a bulleted list as an unordered list and a numbered list as an ordered list
    • XHTML also has a third type of list, a definition list, which is primarily used to create a hanging indent
  38. Unordered list
    • A list in which the items can be shown in any order
    • When the items in a list have no order of importance and do not need to appear in sequence
    • The Bullet button on the Common toolbar is used to create an unordered list
    • In the XHTML code, a start [ul] tag precedes an unordered list, and an end [/ul] tag follows the list
    • Each item in the list is preceded by a start list item tag [li] and followed by an end list item tag [/li]
    • An image can also be used as a bullet
  39. Ordered list
    • A list that uses numbers or letters to precede the list items
    • When the items in a list have a particular order of importance or should appear in sequence
    • The Numbering button on the Common toolbar is used to create an ordered list
    • The XHTML tags for the ordered list are nearly the same, except that a start [ol] tag precedes the list and an end [/ol] follows the list
  40. Gallery
    A set of choices, arranged as graphics in a line or table, from which you may click to make a selection
  41. To change the appearance of the bullet
    • Click anywhere inside the bulleted list
    • In the Quick Tag Selector, click the [ul] or [ol] tag list arrow
    • Click Select Tag Contents
    • Click Format on the menu bar, and then click Bullets and Numbering. The List Properties dialog box opens

    An image can also be used as a bullet
  42. List style type
    • A type of ordered list
    • Sets the type of the list-item marker
    • 5 List style types for letters and numbers:
    • 1. Arabic numbers (the default)
    • 2. Lowercase Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, etc.)
    • 3. Uppercase Roman numerals (I, II, III, etc.)
    • 4. Lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.)
    • 5. Uppercase letters (A, B, C, etc.)
  43. Effects available from the Font dialog box
    • 1. Underline: Underlines text (do not use, underlined text might be confused with a link)
    • 2. Strikethrough: Places a line through text (seldom used)
    • 3. Overline: Places a line above text (use in math equations and with underline to decorate headings)
    • 4. Blink: Makes text blink on and off (do not use, considered amateurish and distracting)
    • 5. Superscript: Raises text one-half line above the line of type (often used for footnotes)
    • 6. Subscript: Lowers text one-half below the line of type (often used in chemical formulas and math equations
    • 7. Small caps: Displays text in a slightly smaller point size and in all capitals
    • 8. All caps: Capitalizes all letters in the text
    • 9. Hidden: Hides text
    • 10. Strong: Makes text bold
    • 11. Emphasis: Makes text italic
    • 12. Sample: Displays text in a monotype font face (seldom used)
    • 13. Definition: Makes text italic (seldom used)
    • 14. Citation: Makes text italic (seldom used)
    • 15. Variable: Makes text italic (seldom used)
    • 16. Keyboard: Displays text in a monotype font face (seldom used)
    • 17. Code: Displays text in a monotype font face (seldom used)
  44. Block Quote element
    To make the quoted material stand out by being indented
  45. Deprecated element
    Code that the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) has declared/determined should no longer be used
  46. To format text using the Paragraph dialog box
    • In the Editing window, click anywhere in the quoted paragraph
    • Click the code tab above the paragraph
    • Click Format on the menu bar, and then click Paragraph

    The paragraph dialog box can also used to add word spacing between words to create a spread heading, where extra white space between words is added to spread the words apart. You will not, however, see the effect of word spacing in Design view; only in the browser
  47. Character spacing
    • The space between text characters. You can expand or condense the spacing
    • You can add space between typed characters, which is known as character spacing
    • You use the Font dialog box
  48. Creating line breaks
    • To create a new line without creating a new paragraph, you have to enter an XHTML break tag
    • Entering a break tag is equivalent to pressing the Enter key once on the keyboard
    • The XHTML code for the break tag is [br /], is an empty element
    • It is an instruction to end the line short of the right margin
    • After you type each line, double-click the Break button in the Toolbox task pane
    • You can also click Insert on the menu bar, point to HTML, and click Break. Choose Normal line break
    • Only in Design view, you can also press Shift+Enter keys. To view the line break symbol in Design view, click the Show formatting marks button on the Standard toolbar
  49. Empty element
    XHTML element that does not have any content such as [br /]; instead, it performs an instruction
  50. Horizontal lines
    • Horizontal rule and uses the [hr /] tag to perform the instruction to create the horizontal line
    • It's an empty element as well, just like [br /] tag
    • Serves as content dividers for a Web page, you can change the width, the height, and the color of the line
    • In general, use horizontal lines sparingly or not at all on your Web pages
    • From the Toolbox task pane in the upper-right corner of the screen, double-click the words Horizontal Line, double-click anywhere on the line to open the Horizontal Line Properties
    • To change a horizontal line's color to be displayed in the Firefox browser, you must use the CSS background-color property
  51. Symbols
    • Characters that cannot be entered from the keyboard, such as the registered trademark symbol (c)
    • XHTML refers to symbols as special characters
    • Click Insert on the menu bar, then click Symbol
    • Documentation within a computer file that is not displayed in the browser window
    • Used to document your work so that you or others working on your Web pages have an idea of how the page was constructed

    CSS follows a different format for creating comments, using a slash and asterisk and then an asterisk and slash, like so: /* and a CSS comment */
  53. To insert an XHTML comment
    • In the Code view, position the insertion point after the start [head] tag
    • Press Enter key 3x to enter some blank lines
    • Press the Up arrow key once
    • Press Ctrl and the slash (/) key. The following code is inserted: [!-- --]
  54. F1 key
    • To access the Expression Web Help feature
    • Press Alt+F4 to exit Help
  55. Understand hidden files and folders
    Expression Web keeps track of all files that are associated with your Web site. This information is kept in 2 hidden folders, which you should be careful not to move or delete. These hidden folders and their contents do not appear in the Folder List task pane, but they will appear in Windows Explorer if you have the option set in Windows Explorer to display hidden files. Metadata is information about the document in your Web site. The _vti_cnf metadata folder contains information about every file in a particular site. Expression Web uses this information to determine the location of links within the site. The _vti_pvt metadata folder stores several files that provide information, among other things, to configure the initial settings for Expression Web.
  56. Break tag
    An empty element that generates a line break
  57. Definition list
    A type of list that creates a hanging indent
  58. Footer
    Content that appears at the bottom of a Web page
  59. Generic font
    Serif, sans-serif, monospace, fantasy, and cursive
  60. Hex code
    A shorthand reference to the code written for the hexadecimal system
  61. Keyword
    A word that has special significance in XHTML and CSS
  62. Short hex
    A shorthand notation in which repeating values can be put into code
  63. Special characters
    A character that cannot be entered by a simple keystroke
  64. Spread heading
    A heading style that employs letter spacing, word spacing, or both
  65. Web safe colors
    The colors that should appear correctly on a Web page, regardless of the monitor
  66. Word spacing
    The space between words. You can expand or condense word spacing
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CIS 3630 Test 1b.txt
Chapter 2