Vocabulary - Ch. 15

  1. commemorate
    • To honor the memory of someone or something, as with a ceremony; celebrate; observe
    • to celebrate
  2. complacent
    • Self-satisfied; feeling too much satisfaction with oneself or one's accomplishments
    • too much at ease
  3. consensus
    • An opinion held by everyone (or almost everyone) involoved
    • a majority view
  4. deplete
    To use up
  5. diligent
    • Steady, determined, and careful in work
    • hard-working
  6. empathy
    • The ability to share in someone else's feelings or thoughts
    • a sympathetic understanding
  7. menial
    • Not requiring special skills or higher intellectual abilities
    • unskilled
  8. niche
    • An activity or situation especially suited to a person
    • a suitable place
  9. transcend
    • To rise above or go beyond the limits of; exceed
    • to go past
  10. waive
    • To willingly give up (as a claim, priviledge, or right); do without
    • to give up
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Vocabulary - Ch. 15
Chapter 15 vocabulary - Improving Vocabulary Skills 4th Edition