obligation to disclose details for evaluation; "to be held responsible for"
voluntary statement of facts sworn to be true before an authority
statement one expects to prove true
bona fide
in good faith or innocently
case law
all legal decisions reported on a given legal subject
first pleading filed by plaintiff's attorney in a negligence action
- in criminal cases, person accused of crime;
- in civil cases, the person or organization that is being sued
a method of pretrail discovery in whic questions are answered under oath
federal law
jurisdiction is given to federal courts in cases involving the interpretationand application of the US constitution, acts of congress, and treaties
court-appointed protector for anindividual incapable of making his or her own decisions
iatrogenic injury
an injury resulting from the activity of health care professionals
formal written accusation fom a grand jury
a group of citizens who decide the outcome of a criminal or cival trial
taking another's property wthout consent
common law
principles that have evolved an continue to evolve on the basis of court decisions
statutory law
an law prescribed by the action of a legislature
obligation to do or not to do something; also an obligation potentially or actually incurred as a result of negligent act
corporate liability
an obligation to do or not to do something that falls on the corporate body
personal liability
an obligation to do ornot to do something that falls on the individual
professional misconduct that results in harm to another; negligence of a professional
omission (not doing) or commission (doing) of an act that a reasonable and prudnt individual would not do under the same conditins; may be associated with the phrase "departue from the standard of care"
criminal negligence
reckless disregard for the safety of another; willful indifference
intentionally providing false testimony under oath
the person who initiates a lawsuit
legal principle, created by a court decision, which provides an example or authority for judges deciding similar issues later
standard of care
description of conduct that is expected of an individual or professional in a given circumstance
state law
state statutes, regulations, and principles and rules having the force of law
court order to appear and testify or produce required documents
a civil wrong; intentional or unintentional
aeger primo
- "the patent first"
- motto of the AST
doctrine of borrowed servant
- the one controlling or direction the employee has greater responsibility than the one paying the employee.
- (surgeon)
doctrine ound corporate negligence
a health instituition may be found negligent for failing to ensure that an acceptable level of pt. care was provided
doctrine of foreseeablility
is the ability to see or know in advance; the ability to reasonably anticipate that harm or injury may result because of certain acts or omissions
doctrine of personal liability
each persn is resposible for his or her own conduct, even though others may be liable as well
doctrine of the reasonably prudent person
a person should perform an action as would any reasonable person of ordinary prudene
primum non nocere
"above all, do no harm"
res ipsa loquitur
- "the thing speaks for itself"
- harm came from a given act or thing of which the defendant had sole control
respondeat superior
"let master answer" employer is responsible for th actions of hs or her employees
tort law
- evolved in the middle ages
- any civil wrong independant of a contract
an act that causes another person to fear that he or sh will be touched in an offensive, insulting, or physically injurious manner without consent or authority to do so
actual act of hrmful or unwarranted contact with a person, including contact without proper consent
- oral statement (slandar)
- written statement (libel)
false imprisonment
illegal detention of a person without consent, or forcing a person to stay and not allowing them to leave
intentional infliction of emotional distress
disparaging remarks made about a patient that result in emotional distress
invasion of privacy
disclosure of private information concerning a patient or photographing a patient without consent
unintentional torts
most common types of ptient indiscretions committed by operating room personnel, and include negligence an malpractice
patient misidentification
check and cross-check procedures should be in place to prevent pt misidentification
who checks pt ID
- transportation
- preop
- circulator and anesthesia
- surgeon
performing an incorrect procedure (often related to limbs)
must take great precautions to prevent the removal of the wrong body part or to prevent performing any surgical procedure on the wrong site or side
"time out"
- period involving all members of the surgical team should take place immediately before starting the procedure
- to finalize the correct pt, procedure,and when applicable, implant placement is correct
foreign bodies let in pts secondary to incorrect sponge/instrument counts
circulator and STSR must count; before the procedure begins and at the time that wound closure begins
patient burns
- hot instruments
- improper placement of dispersive electrode
- malfunctioning of the ESU
- improper use of lasers
- pooled flammable prep solutions
- flammable anesthesia gases
- irrigation fluid that is too hot
falls or positioning errors resulting in pt injury
- unattended pts can fall from a stretcher that has is side rails down
- a safety strap should be applied
- EACH member of the surgical team can be charged with negligence if an injury occurs due to improper positioning
improper handling, identification, or loss of specimens
occurs if speciemn is lost, improperly perpared or "fixed" for analysis, or inaccurately labeled
incorrect drugs or incorrect administration
- all medications and solutions on the sterile setup should be labeled...to reduce risk of incorrect administrationor use of an incorrect drug
- when passing medication to surgeon surg tech must announce the name and strength of medication
- surgial team share equal responsibility for transfer of a drug to the sterile field
harm secondary to use of defective equipment/instrument
- malfuctioning equipment and instrumenation can cause injury to a surgical patient
- many facilitieshave biomedical engineering departments that maintain surgical equipment
liability for malfunctioning equipment and instrumentation may lie...
with the institution if it can be proven that the equipment was not propery maintained and tested
loss of or damage to patients property
a pt occasionally arrives at the surgical services department with personal property or prostheses, such as dentures, hearing aids, or glasses.
harm secondary to a major break in sterile tech.
the surg tech through the application of a strong surgical conscience, should apply all principles of asepsis and must rport any breaks that may occur to reduce the risk of postop infections
exceeding authority or accepted functions; violaton of hospital policy
the surg tech should be aware of state medical practice acts, hospital policies, and scope of practice limitations
abandonment of a patient
- if a member of the surgical team leaves a patient who is dependent on their presence as a caregiver, then the caregiver can be held liable for abandonment
- a confusted pt could fall from an operating table or transportation stretcher or could suffer a seizure or cardiac arrest
prevention is...
- trully the best medicine
- a vigilant surgical conscience should prevent every one of the incidents
a term that refers topermission being given for an action
to perform surgery without consent can be the ...
commission of battery
express consent
direct verbal or written statement granting permission for treatment
implied consent
in which circumstances exist that would lead a reasonable health-care provider to believe that the person, or pt had given consent although no direct or verbally expressed words of consent had been given
the joint commission describes informed consent as..
"agreement or permission accompanied by full notice about what is being consented to"
the joint commission says that informed consent refers to....
"the requirement that a pt be apprised of the nature and risks of a medical procedure..."
2 catagories of consent used in the hospital setting
- general-all routine services
- special-consent for special procedures
the responsibilty for securing written, informed surgical consent belongs to..
- the surgeon
- the surgeon will discuss the condition, proposed treatment, risks, and alternatives with the pt and possibly family
physician's responsibility fo securing an informed consent requires :
- understandable language
- no coercion orintimidation of the pt
- surgical procedure or treatment must be explained
- potential complications must be explained
- potential risks must be explained
- alternative therapies and their risks and benefits must be explaed
written consent should contain:
- pt's legal name
- surgeon's name
- procedure to be performed, incuding side risks of anesthesia and procedure including complications
- pt's legal signature
- signature of witness(es)
- date and time of signatures
planned procedure, pt must :
- be of legal age or emancipated minor
- mentally alert
- legally competent
- not under influence of drugs
non-emergency (informed consent) may be given by:
- competent adult speaking for themselves
- parent or legal guardian of minor
- guardian in the case of physical inability or legal incompetence
- temporary guardian
- hospital administrator
- the courts
emergency (informed consent) may be given by:
- telephone
- fax
- agrement of 2 non operating physicians
- adminitrative consent
extension doctrine (blanket consent)
surgeon may be liable for assault and battery unless it can be proven that good judgment was used when unexpected conditions were encountered
prior to surgery
pt must have: history and physical record, medical record and informed consent
errors are to be marked through with a
single line and initials and correction made and legal signiture
incident reports
are channelled o the risk management department
moral principles
- guides for ethical decision making
- principles that we try to instill in ur children (honesty, trust, benevolence)
- study of ehtical implications of biological research and applications
- envolves examination of the the benefits and the risks of biotechnology
american hospital association (AHA) pt's bill of rights
- open and honest
- mutual respect
- collaboration between pt's and heath care
- foundatio for respecting the rights and role in health care decision making
- must be sensitive to cultural, racial,age,gender,religious
pt care partnership (contains plainer language that informs te pt about what to expect during hospital stay:
- high quality hosp care
- a clean and safe environment
- involvement in the pt's care
- protection of pt privacy
- help when leaving
- help with billand insurance clains
somethings that may create personal or vocational discomfort:
- elective sterilization
- various fertilization procedures
- elective abortion
- human experimentaion
- animal experimentation
- organ donation/transplant
- quality versus quantity of life
- substance abuse
- gender reassignment
- care of ppl with HIV
- newborns with disability
- good samaritan law
- assisted suicide
- genetic engineering
- refusal of treatment
- termination of care and right to die
AST established code of ethics:
10 (surgical conscience)
scope of practice
term that identifies the knowledge and skills required for the profession in order to provide effective and reliable services
professional scopes of practice:
- federal law
- federal agencies
- state law and regulations
- legal precedent
- hospital policy
- professional organizations
formal process by which qualified individuals are listed in a registry
recognition by an appropriate body that an individual has met a predetermined standard
legal right granted by a government agency in compliance with a statute that auhorizes and oversees the activities of a profession
contributes to the protection of the public by assessing educational prgrams fo their quality and effectiveness
core curriculam
sets standard in curiculum quality
risk management objectives:
- minimize risks to pts and hosp employess
- avoid or controlfinancial loss
- identify actual or potential causes ofpt and employee accidents
- implement programs, policies, and prodedures toeliminate or reduce occurances
- collect and utilize data to decrease harm to pts an staff or damage property
an emphasis has also been placed on the reduction of medical errors such as..
AST, Joint commison, CSPS, and more
neutral zone (pass zone or no touch)
- is used for placement of sharps during the surgical procedure
- creation of this zone reduces potential injury
physical need
any need or activity related to genetics , physiology, or anatomy
psychological need
any need or activity related tothe identification and understanding of oneself
social need
any need or activity related to one's identification or interaction with another individual or group
spiritual need
any needor activity related to the identification and understanding of one's place in an organized universe
maslow's hierchy of needs
means of prioritizing needs effective for basic understanding of individuals and for quick recognition of patient cocerns
factors of surgical interventions
- genetic malformation
- trauma
- disease
- choleystitis(gallbladder infection)
- cheiloschisis (cleft lift)
dr hans selye defines stress as
a "nonspecific response of the body to a demand"
2 types of stress
- eustress-good
- distress-bad
coping mechanisms
- denial
- rationalization
- regression
- repression
3 types of death
- cardiac-irreversible loss of cardiac and respiratory functions
- higher brain-irreversible loss of higher brain function
- whole-brain-irreversible loss of all functions of entire brain
5 stages of grief
- denial
- anger
- bargaining
- depression
- acceptance
gernal catagories of death
- accidental-caused by nature, moter vehicles, homicides
- terminal-suffering from a incurable disease
- prolonged(chonic)-long lasting 4-6 weeks or lifelong
- sudden-any death without warning
provide the pt with symptom relief, avoidance of symptoms, relief from conditions secondary to the progressive local disease
used to treat or manage disease
life support
preserve pt's life
2 types of euthanasia
- passive-physician does nothing to preserve life
- active-actions to speed up dying
advance directives
refers to 2 legal documents
physiological needs
basic needs: water, food and temp
safety needs
needs to refered to safe enviornment
love and belonging
basic social needs
esteem needs
pos evaluation of oneself and others
self actualization
need to fulfill whatone believes is one's purpose
the nature of surgery requires that the surgical team concentrate on :
- physilogical needs first
- followed by environmetal
- then affective
- then self esteem
- and self actualization