
  1. Work?
    Force acting over distance (movement)
  2. Kinetic energy?
    Energy of moving object (velocity)
  3. Potential energy?
    Product of weight, gravity, and height
  4. Significant Mechanisms of Injury (MOI)?
    • Severe deformities to the frontal part of the vehicle (> 20 cm intrusion)
    • Moderate intrusion from a T-bone accident
    • Severe damage from the rear
    • Collisions in which rotation is involved
    • Death of an occupant
    • No seatbelt or airbag deployment
    • Star crack on windshield (Head injury)
  5. Newton’s First Law
    Objects at rest tend to stay at rest, and objects in motion tend to stay in motion, unless they are acted upon by some force
  6. Newton’s Second Law
    • Force (F) is Mass (M) times Acceleration (A)
    • F=MA
  7. Newton’s Third Law
    For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction
  8. Three collisions occur in a crash?
    • Car vs. Object
    • Patient vs. Car
    • Organs/Structures vs. Patient
  9. Sizing a Neck collar?
    • Measure to the inside markings
    • Anatomy: Angle of the jaw to the top of the trapezius muscle
    • Collar itself...
    • Bottom part of the plastic to...
    • Lift up your highest finger - It's sized to the last hole that the highest finger covers
    • Size it, and lock it
    • Little plastic pin lines up to the sternum (center)
    • Can you open your mouth?
    • Can you breath basically
    • Can you swallow?
    • No hyper-extended the neck
    • If they are between sizes, go slightly too small as this wont hyper extend their neck
  10. Getting pt. onto a backboard?
    • Always roll onto the undamaged side
    • 1. Log roll onto side (EMS @Head in charge)
    • 2. Check DCAPPBTLS & TIC
    • 3. EMS @Shoulder pulls BBoard closer
    • 4. Roll on
    • 5. V-Slide down to middle, then up to top
    • 6. Shoulder to hip
    • 7. Shoulder to hip
    • 8. Hip to knee
    • 9. Hip to knee
    • 10. Head blocks beside head
    • 11. Star pattern across head
    • 12. One under the chin
    • 13. Partner may now let go
  11. If bilateral damaged?
    • Scoop time
    • 1. Size it
    • 2. Disconnect halves
    • 3. Walk the other half around the pt.
    • 4. Head end snaps first
    • 5. Make sure not to pinch their spine and stuff
    • 6. Clip bottom
    • 7. S2H
    • 8. S2H
    • 9. H2K
    • 10. H2K
    • 11. Head blocks + Star + chin
    • 12. Partner may let go
    • 13. Scoop is lifted…
    • 14. Check DCAPPBTLS & TIC
    • 15. ...strapped to BBoard with 3 straps
    • 16. Whole thing on gurney with 3 straps
  12. KEDs?
    • Stable sitting Pt. only (so not gonna see it)
    • 1. MIDDLE
    • 2. BOTTOM
    • 3. LEGS
    • 4. HEAD
    • 5. TOP
  13. No MOI, unwitnessed unconscious?
    C-Collar as we have no idea
  14. We look at the conjunctiva becuase?
    it doesn't matter what their skin color is.
Card Set
EMR Class 6