The Seven Years War did what two things for England?
- confirmed commericial supremacy in N. America
- cemented political control or settled regions in N. America
Who were hurt by the Grenville administration legislation?
small farmers from the north and south
Colonial protests against the Townsend Acts resulted in
parliment passing a second Stamp Act
Tor F? the Tea Act of 1773 reduced price of tea to American colonists
T or F? The First continental congress of 1774 denied parliment the right to regulate trade and tax in the colonies
T or F? British official Thomas Hutchinson had his home ransacked by anti-stamp Act demonstrators
T or F? The coercive (or intolerable) acts were a result of the Boston Massacre
T or F? life expectancy in New England was higher than in England and the rest of British N. America?
In 1638, Anne Hutchinson was deported from MA colony because...
argued that elect should be only ones entitled to political/ religous authority
Unlike Puritans, quakers rejected
predestination and original sin
T or F? The Mayflower Compac set forth principles of the Puritan religion.
glorious revolution
- Catholic king of England was overthorwn (James II)
- William and Mary become joint soveriegns
Mass Bay Puritans
- serious and pious
- created several seetlements (Boston=capital)
the intolerable acts
Created because of Boston Tea Party
The Quebec Act
- extended boundaries of Quebec
- gave political rights to Catholics
Flintlock Musket
lighter musket: gave Indians edge over colonies
John Looke
wrote fundamental constitution for Carolina
Boston Massacre
- British gaurding taxation record building. Bostonians threw ice- shot fired
- Result of Townson Acts
The Olive Branch Petition
John Dickson wrote letter to king saying everyone wanted peace
currency act
british took control of regulating colonial money
port bill
closed ports of boston until boston paid back tea party damages
government act
gave control of colonial go'vt to king
new quartering act
king could pick houses for royal soldiers to stay
administration of justice act
- moved trials to different places (esp. England)
- hard for colonists to get to trials
Lexington and Concord
- 700 british regulators ordered to capture and destroy military supplies
- colonists moved supplies and started militia
- shot heard round the world
2nd continental congress
managed war efffort "defacto" not official but accepted
siege of boston, result of, lasted, resulted in
lexington and concord, 11 months, all British troops out of Boston
1st continental congress, met in, who didnt attend, what was agreed on
- Phili
- GA
- boycott british goods, halt exports to British
Puritan communities, characteristic, social unit, centered around
- close knit
- social unit: town
- common area pasture etc
Thomas Paine
- made contribution to Enlightenment
- wrote comprehensive pamphlet which stirred up colonists
Stono Rebellion
- uprising in SC
- 100 blacks tried to escape
Navigation Acts
- closed colonioes to all trade except carried by English ships
- goods from Europe to colonies taxed
- duties on coastal trade
King Phillips War
- conflict between pequot indians and settlers in CT valley
- indians almost wiped out
The Townshend Program
imposed taxes on goods imported to colonies
John Rolfe
1st to grow tobacco
Charter of Liberties
- est a rep. assembly in RI
- allowed Delaware to seperate from RI (same governor)
Cotton Mather
Puritan who encouraged inoculation of Small Pox
Thomas Hutchinson
- pro British aristocrat
- house pillaged and destroyed by American rebels
Tobacco Economy
- boom and bust
- lots of land and labor required
The Gaspee Incident
- British repealed Townson Acts
- colonists burned gaspee: british ship looking for untaxed goods
Anthony Cooper
persistant proprietor of Carolina
Plantation Economy
- precarious
- in south
- landowners lived in rough cabins
Fundamental Orders of CT
- created independent colony in Hartford
- gov't similar to Mass Bay, but more men could vote (no women could)
James Oglethorpe
founder of GA
starving time
winter of 1609-1610 in VA (Jamestown)
Act Concerning Religion
MD act granting religous freedom to all christians to attract more settlers
George Calvert
- first Lord Baltimore
- died while negotiating for land in America
Fundamental Constitution for Carolina
- divided colony into counties and est social hierarchy
- developed differently than Looke's plans