Bio 269 Test 1

  1. Homeostasis
    The maintenance of a constant internal state in your body regardless of any eternal or internal disturbances
  2. negative feedback mechanism
    • inverted amplifier- works against disturbance and doesn't amplify it
    • ex. perspiration
  3. positive feedback mechanism
    • body doesn't recognize disturbance is bad so it amplifies it
    • ex. congestive heart failure
  4. afferent
    towards CNS
  5. efferent
    away from CNS to effector organ (muscle, gland)
  6. ans organization
    sensory division--> PNS--> CNS--> PNS--> motor division--> ANS
  7. sympathetic vs parasym. neurons
    • sym- short pregang neurons and long post
    • parasym- long pre and short post
  8. all preganglionic nerves are...
  9. postganglionic neurons of parasym are...
  10. postganglionic neurons of sympathetic are...
  11. cholinergic receptors
    receptors that bind to Ach
  12. nicotinic receptors
    • cholinergic
    • location- post gang neurons, adrenal medulla cells, skeletal muscle cells
    • effect- always stimulatory
  13. muscarinic receptors
    • cholinergic
    • location- all parasympathtetic target organs, some sym target organs (sweat glands, blood vessels in skeletal muscle)
    • effect- inhibitory or stimulatory
  14. adrenergic receptors
    • receptors that bind to norepinephrine
    • alpha-generallys stimulatory
    • beta- generally inhibitory
  15. growth hormone
    • humoral
    • breaks down glucose for energy and aids growth
  16. thyroid hormone
    • hormonal
    • raises BMR and body temp
  17. parathyroid hormone
    • humoral
    • regulates calcium levels in blood
  18. andrenocorticotropic hormone
    • humoral
    • increases levels of blod glucocorticoids
  19. aldosterone
    • humoral
    • plasma sodium levels
  20. pancreatic hormones
    • humoral
    • regulates palama glucose
Card Set
Bio 269 Test 1
Intro, ANS, endocrinology, cardiovascular I