Vocabulary - Ch. 10

  1. alleviate
    • To relieve; make easier to indure
    • to ease
  2. benefactor
    • A person or organization that gives help, especially financial aid
    • a financial supporter
  3. covert
    • Secret; hidden
    • concealed
  4. cynic
    • A person who believes the worst of people's behavior and motives
    • Someone who believes people are motivated only by selfishness
    • someone who believes the worst
  5. demise
    • Death
    • dying
  6. infamous
    • Having a very bad reputation; widely known for being vicious, criminal, or deserving of contempt
    • known unfavorably
  7. intrinsic
    • Belonging to a person or thing by its very nature (and thus not dependent on circumstances); built-in
    • fundamental
  8. revulsion
    • Great disgust or distaste
    • hatred
  9. speculate
    • To come up with ideas or theories about a subject; theorize
    • to guess
  10. virile
    • Manly; masculine
    • having attractive male qualities
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Vocabulary - Ch. 10
Chapter 10 vocabulary - Improving Vocabulary Skills 4th Edition