Syntax Files A2

  1. proper nouns
    names of people and places
  2. common nouns
    everything other than people and places
  3. count nouns
    • individuated entities that can be counted (e.g. one book, two dogs, three houses)
    • singular count nouns require determiner
    • occur with many
  4. mass nouns
    • continuous substances and cannot be counted (e.g. sawdust, air, etc.)
    • do not require determiner
    • occur with much
  5. animate nouns
    denote living things (often restricted to humans and certain animals)
  6. inanimate nouns
    denote non-living things
  7. gender (noun class)
    divides nouns into sub-sets, masculine, feminine, and neuter (non-animate)
  8. grammatical gender
    nouns with non-animate referents are assigned to masculine and feminine classes w/o regard for actual gender associations
  9. lexical aspect/aktionsart
    sub-category for verbs denoting event type
  10. states
    unbounded period of time (e.g. he likes ice cream)
  11. achievements
    occur at single moment, with immediate end point (e.g. he caught the ball)
  12. activities
    go on for period of time, with no defined end point (e.g. they ran on the track for an hour)
  13. accomplishments
    go on for period of time, with defined end point (e.g. they ran to the track in an hour)
  14. attributive adjectives
    occur in front of noun (e.g. the tall man)
  15. predicative adjectives
    occur with copula or similar verb (e.g. the man is tall)
  16. individual-level adjectives
    permanent properties (e.g. intelligent)
  17. stage-level adjectives
    temporary properties (e.g. tired)
  18. bare nouns
    nouns without determiners
Card Set
Syntax Files A2
Syntax Files A2 Test 1