Emotion Regulations

  1. coping
    the ways that ppl reduce negative emotions after a stressful event
  2. ego defense mechanisms
    • Freud
    • psychological regulation strategies that serve to resolve tension btn the id and the superego and keep disturbing wishes and desires hidden from consciousness
  3. process model of emotion regulation
    • James Gross
    • a model that organizes emotion regulation strategies according to their place in the emotion process itself – as an alternating way of thinking about and classifying coping strategies
  4. problem-focused coping
    controlling the situation, either by choosing to be in one situation rather than another or by changing the situation somehow
  5. reappraisal
    changing the way we think about the situation to deter some emotions and/or encourage others
  6. emotion-focused coping
    • reducing emotions after they have already started
    • "blunting"
  7. psychological inoculation
    dealing w/ a stressor exposing yourself to a milder version of the stressful events
  8. cognitive restructuring
    when ppl change the way they think about a larger emotional issue or frequently occuring situation–a frequent goal in therapies for such mood disorders or depression and anxiety
  9. postive reappraisal
    focusing on positive aspects of negative or challenging situations
  10. catharsis
    the "release" of strong emotions by experiencing and expressing them fully
  11. rumination
    thinking continuously about a problem for a long time, focusing on negative aspects of the situation instead of possible solutions
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Emotion Regulations
Psyc 153 Final