Most abundant and most widely distributed tissue in the body
Connective Tissue
What are the 4 main classes of connective tissue?
1. Connective tissue proper
2. Cartilage
3. Bone
4. Blood
What are the 4 main functions of connective tissue?
1. Binds together, supports and strengthens other tissues
2. Protects and insulates internal organs
3. Blood transports nutrients and wastes, immune function
4. Fat stores energy
Why do cells rarely touch in connetive tissue?
Due to extracellular matrix
Fibers and ground substance secreted by cells
3 consistencies of connective tissue
1. liquid
2. gel
3. solid
True or false: Connective tissue occurs on free surface
False: Does not occur on free surface
Does connective tissue have a good nerve & blood supply?
Yes, except cartilage and tendons
Cell type:
Retain ability to divide & produce matrix (fibroblasts) (dividing cells in bone are called osteogeniccells)
Blast type cell
Cell type:
Mature cell that can not divide or produce matrix (fibrocytes, chondrocytes & osteocytes)
Cyte type cells
Cell type:
Develop from monocytes– engulf bacteria & debris by phagocytosis
Cell type:
Develop from B lymphocytes
– produce antibodies that fight against foreign substances
Plasma cells
Cell type:
Produce histamine that dilate small blood vessels
Mast cells
Cell type:
Fat cells
store fat
What does the connective tissue extracellular matrix consist of?
1. Ground substance and
2. Fibers
Supports the cells and fibers
Helps determine the consistency of the matrix
– fluid, gel or solid
Contains many large molecules
– adhesion proteins and carbohydrates binds collagen fibers to ground substance
Ground Substance
Types of Connective Tissue Fibers?
Tough, resistant to pull, yet pliable
Formed from the protein collagen
Collagen (most abundant)
Type of Connective Tissue Fiber:
Smaller diameter fibers formed from protein elastin
Can stretch and return to original shape
Elastin (lungs, blood vessels, ear cartilage)
Type of Connective Tissue Fiber:
Thin, branched fibers that form framework of organs
Formed from protein collagen
Reticular (spleen and lymph nodes)
What are the two classifications of connective tissue?