HIS 203 EXAM 1

  1. The Carlise Indian School
    became the model institution for later schools. "outing system"
  2. American exceptionalism
    stressed that the US was different from western European Nations; yet they pushed indians off their land
  3. Colonel John M. Chicington
    Sand Creek Massacre; killed men, women and children AFTER they surrendered
  4. Manifest Destiny
    belief that it was the god given right to expand west
  5. Chief Joseph
    Nez Perce' leader. Said "From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever." surrenedered to save his people, they were only 50 miles from freedom
  6. The Ghost Dance
    Form of indian resistance, they believed that it would stop westward expansion and they would get their land back. It scared the white man.
  7. Geronimo
    his warriors attacked ranches for ammunition and horses. When caught he negotiated a settlement, later became famous.
  8. Cornstock Lode
    rich silver ore; maybe biggest in history
  9. Nicodemas, Kansas
    all black community in response to urges to keep the west all white
  10. Buffalo Soldiers
    black soldiers that served in the west. Native Americans thought their hair resembled that of a buffalo
  11. Joseph Smith
    prophet & founder of church; believed in polygamy; eventually killed by IL mob
  12. Polygamy
    Having more than one wife
  13. Nativism
    bias against other ethic groups
  14. Joseph F. Glidden
    pattened and invented barbed wire
  15. John "Bet-a-Million" Gates
    Gambler and promoter of barbed wire. Drove longhorns proving merit of the wire < how he made his fortune.
  16. share croppers
    planters divided their plantations into segments that freedmen rented, paying with a share of each years crops
  17. Mark Twain
    Samuel Langhorne Clemens; author and humorist, "The Gilded Age"
  18. Samuel F. B. Morse
    developed the telegraph
  19. vertical integration
    a system in which a single person or corporation controls all processes of an industry from start to finished product
  20. John D. Rockefeller
    Titan of the oil industry; controlled 9/10 of oil refinery
  21. J.P. Morgan
    outstanding finance capitalist, business mergers also gained control of the railroads and then moved to steel production
  22. social darwinism
    • wealth = power
    • based on Darwin's Theory
  23. The Gospel of Wealth
    the idea that wealth accumulated from earthly success should be used for good works. Andrew Carnegie promoted this view in 1889 essay in which he maintained that the wealthy should sereve as a steward & act in the best intrests of society as a whole
  24. Who first used the saying "survival of the fittest"?
    Herbert Spencer
  25. Laissez-farie
    the government should not interfere in business or the economy
  26. Herbert Spencer
    helped develop the theory of social darwinism Applying Darwin's theory to humans
  27. Spoils System
    an arrangement in which party leaders rewarded party loyalists with government jobs
  28. sufferage
    the right to vote
  29. Ida B. Wells
    launched an antilynching movement (punishment of presumed crimes or offences usually by death)
  30. Crusade For Justice
    Ida B. Wells autobiography
  31. Temperance Movement
    the reform movement to end drunkenness by urging people to abstain from the consumption of alcohol. this movement achieved it's greatest political victory with the passage of a constitutional amendment in 1919 that prohibited manufacture, sale, and transport of alcohol.
  32. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
    lamented the word male in the 14th ammendment (voting rights). A founder of the National Womens Sufferage Association (NWSA)
  33. Conscription
    the draft
  34. Pogroms
    An organized and often officially encouraged massacre of an ethnic minority; usually used in refference to attacks on Jews
  35. Plutocracy
    a society ruled by the richest members
  36. Anarchist
    a person who rebels against established order and authority
  37. The Knights Labor
    • the first mass organization of America's working class
    • secret society
    • discouraged company spies
    • protected members from reprisals
  38. Samuel Gompers
    • cigar maker
    • promoted pure and simple unionism
    • embraced class struggle
  39. American Federation of Labor (AFL)
    founded and organized by Gompers, coordinated activities of craft unions throughout the US
  40. Francis Willard
    • 2 passions were temperance and suffrage
    • head of women's christian temperance union
  41. Populist Movement
    • built on the work of the farmers Alliance to mount a critique of industrial society and a call for action. Far from being backward-looking romantics they articulated a rational and sophisticated
    • program that called on the gov. to mediate the interests of business and agriculture
  42. socialism
    the state owns and operates the largest and most important parts of the economy
  43. The Homestead Lockout
    Frick locked the workers (were on strike at the time) out of the mill. Hugh O'Donnell vowed to prevent strike breakers from entering the plant. Fight broke out. Victory for the workers.
  44. Eugene V Debs
    led the American Railway Union; Debs hesitated to commit to Pullman Strike. To cripple the boycott, 2 Chicago Judges prohibited Debs from speaking in public; he refused to honor the injunction and was thrown in jail. he went in to jail an unions and 6 months later was a socialist
  45. Coxey's Army
    unemployed Americans marched to Washington DC to urge congress to enact a public works program to end unemployment
  46. Boxers
    • "Righteous Harmonious Fist"
    • spread terror throughout China
    • wanted to eliminate the foreigners
    • killed 30,00 chinese convers, preists, nuns, missionaries, and families
  47. Guerrilla War
    Fighting carried out by an irregular military fource (greater material resources)
  48. Secretary of State John Hays
    said that the Spanish-American war was, "a splended little war"
  49. Theodore Roosevelt
    Favored the war in Cuba, said it was more than Cuban Independance. Wanted to take control. became VERY famous!
  50. Rough Riders
    Ivy league polo players and cowboys Roosevelt knew.
  51. Andrew Carnegie
    owned Homestead Steel Mill, retired to scottland, worked his way to the top by supporting the union, ut then locked them out in the "Homestead Lockout"
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HIS 203 EXAM 1