To walk in upright position, or assist someone to walk
Individual's mental or emotional processes combined with abiltiy to interact with others
A guardian who is assigned to look out for the rights of others
Aphasia [uh-fey-zhuh]
Loss of the ability to use language effectively
Sugars and starches
Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus)
A condition in which the body cannot break down and use carbohydrates because there is insufficient insulin
Endocrine System
System of glands which secrete hormones into the blood
Exocrine [ek-suh-krin] Glands
Glands which secrete hormones into a body cavity or directly outside the body
The endocrine systme is made up of the following glands:
- * Pituitary
- * Thyroid
- * Parathyroid
- * Thymus
- * Adrenal
- * Pancreas
- * Ovaries
- * Testes
Pituitary Gland
Located at the base of the brain and is the smallest endocrine glan. It is called the master gland because its hormone regulates the work of all the cells, or metabolism, and stimulates other endocrine glands to secrete their hormones. The pituitary is the master regulator of the body.
Thyroid Gland
Is a large gland located at the base of the throat. Its hormones are responsible for growth, energy, sexual development, and skin texture
Parathyroid Glands
Are two pairs of very small glands located within the thyroid gland. Their hormone is necessary for regulating calcium and phosphorus within the body
Thymus Gland
Located in the center of the chest, behind and above the heart. This gland is not fully understood. It is believed that is plays a part in the body's immune system