Emotions and Info Processing

  1. Emotions influence what?
    what we notice, what we remember, and how we reason
  2. broaden-and build model
    • positive emotions lead to no specific behavior, but to an increased readiness to explore new ideas and opportunities
    • expands focus of attention
  3. Emotions and Memory
    ppl more likely to remember emotionally arousing events

    emotional arousal –> epinephrine and cortisol

    epi + cortisol –> vagus nerve –> amygdala –> memory storage
  4. beta-blocker
    • a drug that temporarily disables the stress hormone system responsible for some types of emotional arousal
    • those that took the beta-blocker and in the "neutral" condition did worst on answering the questions compared to those that took the placebo
  5. amygdala and memories
    • is more active when viewing emotionally intense slides/pictures that when viewing neutral ones
    • the more activation, the more accurate
  6. flashbulb memories
    • emotion-laden, vivid, and highly detailed memories almost photographic quality
    • not always accurate, despite how confident we are about them
  7. Affect Infusion Model of cognition
    • ppl use their emotional state as information in reaching a decision about some target, even if the target did not evoke the emotion
    • ex. a group of ppl that wrote about how 9/11 made them feel fear tended to estimated that they were in danger and so was the country
  8. implicit attitudes
    • an attitude that influences behavior even when we cannot or do not verbalize it
    • ex. "cloudy day" effect disappears when weather asked
  9. depressive realism
    ppl who are mildly depressed, pessimistic, or at least neutral, are more realistic than highly optimistic ppl, to perceive themselves and their situation accurately, and, therefore, to make more careful can correct decisions
  10. dysthymic
    mildly depressed or even having a mixture of happy and depressed characteristics
  11. central route to persuasion
    • consists of providing facts and logic
    • ppl use this when they their their decision is worthy
    • depressed/sad ppl use this more often
  12. peripheral route to persuasion
    • consists of superficial factors such as a frequent repetition of a slogan or endorsements by celebrities
    • ppl in a happy mood more likely to use this route
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Emotions and Info Processing
Psyc 153 Final