Ch. 3 Musculoskeletal, Head, Face, and Neck

  1. The small perforations of the long bones through which the blood vessels and nerve travel into the bones.
    Haversian Canals
  2. The bone forming cell that is found in the bone matrix that helps maintain the bone is?
  3. Cells that help in the creation of new bones during growth and bone repair is?
  4. The bone cells that absorb and remove excess bone are?
  5. The structures through which blood vessels enter and exit the bone shaft are called?
    Perforating Canals
  6. The loss of blood vessels from a body part is called?
  7. The hollow shaft found in long bones is called?
  8. The five important purposes of the skeleton are?
    • 1. Provide the body with its structure
    • 2. Protect vital organs
    • 3. Allow for movement despite gravity
    • 4. Store salts and other materials needed for metabolism
    • 5. Production of RBC
  9. The end of a long bone including the growth plate and the supporting joint structures is called?
  10. The term cancellous refers to?
    Having a latticework structure, such as in the spongy tissue of the bone.
  11. The surface of a bone that moves against another bone?
    Articular surface
  12. The growth place where bone is generated during childhood is called?
    Epiphyseal Plate
  13. The cavity inside the bone that holds the marrow is?
    Medullary canal
  14. The tissue that stores fat in semiliquid form within the internal cavities of bone?
    Yellow bone marrow
  15. The tissue within the internal cavity of a bone responsible for manufacturing RBC and other blood cells?
    Red Bone Marrow
  16. The tough exterior covering of a bone?
  17. The connective tissue providing the articular surfaces of the skeletal system is?
  18. A bone that forms in a tendon is called a?
    Sesamoid bone
  19. Area where adjacent bones articulate?
  20. A joint that does not allow for movement is?
  21. A joint that allows a limited amount of independant movement is?
  22. The type of joint that permits the greatest degree of independent motion is?
    Diarthrosis or synovial joint
  23. Diarthroses are divided into three types of joints. They are?
    • 1. Monaxial joints - Hinge joints such as the knee, elbow, and fingers
    • 2. Biaxial Joints - Condyloid, or gliding, joints that provide movement in two directions such as carpal bones in the wrist and the joint between the clavical and sternum.
    • 3. Triaxial joints - Ball and socket such as hip and shoulder.
  24. The bending motion that reduces the angle between articulating elements is?
  25. The bending motion that increases the angle between articulating elements is?
  26. The movement of a body part toward the body is?
  27. The movement of a body part away from the body is?
  28. The turning along the axis of a bone or joint is called?
  29. The movement through the arc of a circle where the distal end moves but the shaft does not is?
  30. Bands of connective tissue that hold bones together are known as?
  31. The ligaments that surround a joint are called?
    A joint capsule
  32. The purpose of synovial fluid is to?
    Lubricate synovial joints.
  33. The sacs of synovial fluid that cushion adjancent structures are known as?
  34. The bones of the head, thorax, and spine are known as the?
    Axial skeleton
  35. The bones of the extremities, shoulder girdle, and pelvis are known as the?
    Appendicular skeleton
  36. The two symetrical structures that comprise the pelvis are the?
  37. Prior to birth the skeletal structure is primarily?
  38. A small bundle of muscle fibers is called?
  39. The point where a muscle attached to a bone but does not move is known as an?
  40. The point where a muscle attaches to a bone that move when the muscle contracts is an?
  41. The muscle type found in the bronchioles, blood vessels, and digestive tract are called?
    Smooth muscle
  42. The type of muscle that is voluntary and comprised 40-50% of body weight is?
    Skeletal muscle
  43. The act of cardiac muscle contracting rhythmically on it own is known as?
  44. The act of cardiac muscle emitting an electrical impulse is called?
  45. The act of cardiac muscle passing an electrical impulse along to other myocardial cells is called?
  46. The pairing of muscles that permits extension and flexion of limbs is called?
  47. Specialized bands of tissue that are parts of the muscle forming attachment to bones at the insertion and in some cases the origin are called.
  48. In addition to movement, the muscle tissue is also responsible for the production of?
    Heat energy.
  49. The by-products of the energy of motion are?
    Heat, H2O, and CO2
  50. The state of slight contraction that gives muscles firmness and keeps them ready to contract is called?
    Muscle tone
  51. The connective tissue that covers the most superior aspect of the cranium is the?
    Galea Aponeurotica
  52. The layers of skin that protect the scalp are?
    Skin, Connective tissue, Aponeurotica, Layer of subaponeuortica, Periosteum
  53. The vaultlike portion of the skull encasing the brain is called the?
  54. The pseudojoints that join the bones of the skull are called?
  55. The pressure exerted on the brain by blood and CSF is called
    Intracranial Pressure
  56. The medium by which nutrients and waste products diffuse into and out of the brain tissue is the?
    Cerebrospinal Fluid
  57. The cranial nerve likely to be compressed with increased ICP is the?
    III - Occulomotor, causing pupillary disturbance most likely on the same side as the problem
  58. The portion of the brain that is responsible for certain metabolic activities such as temperature regulation is the?
  59. The switching station between the brain and the pons is the?
    Thalamus - Also an important factor in the Reticular Activating System
  60. The system of nervous tissues that help the body maintain consciousness is the?
    Reticular Activating System
  61. The tissue that is responsible for communication between the cerebellum, the cerebrum, the midbrain, and the spinal cord is the?
  62. The process that controls blood flow to the brain tissue by causing alterations in B/P?
  63. The ascending reticular activating system is responsible for?
    The sleep - wake cycle.
  64. The cheekbone is also known as the?
  65. The bone of the upper jaw is the?
  66. The jawbone is known as the?
  67. The cranial nerves responsible for facial pain is the
    V - Trigeminal
  68. The cranial nerve responsible for facial expression is the
    VII - Facial nerve
  69. The cranial nerve responsible for swallowing and tongue movement is the?
    XII - Hypoglossal
  70. The cranial nerve responsible for saliva production and taste is the?
    IX - Glossopharyngeal
  71. Hollow spaces in the bones of the cranium that lighten the head, protect the eyes and nasal cavity, and produce the resonant tones of voice are called?
  72. The outer visible part of the ear is the?
  73. The three rings of the inner ear that sense the motion of the head and provide positional sense are called?
    Semicircular canals
  74. The clear watery fluid filling the postierior portion of the eye
    Vitreous humor
  75. The tissue in the eye that senses light and color is the ?
  76. The clear fluid filling the anterior portion of the eye is the ?
    Aqueous humor
  77. The pigmented, muscular, portion of the eye that contracts the pupil is the?
  78. The white of the eye is called?
  79. The mucous membrane that lines the eye lids is called?
  80. The liquid that lubricates the eye is called?
    Lacrimal fluid
  81. The cranial nerve responsible for pupil dilation and movement of the eyes together is the?
    III - Occulomotor
  82. The cranial nerve responsible for moving the eye down and in is the?
    IV - Trochlear
  83. The cranial nerve responsible for eye abduction (outward gaze) is the?
    VI - Abducens
  84. The normal adult has how many teeth?
  85. What is the lymphatic system?
    A network of vessels that draing fluid, called lymph, from the body tissues. Lymph nodes help filter impurities en route to the subclavian vein and then onto the heart.
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Ch. 3 Musculoskeletal, Head, Face, and Neck
Chapter 3, Musculoskeletal, Head, Face, Neck