135-145 mEq/L (BMP Order Set)
3.5 - 5.0 mEq/L (BMP Order Set) Directly related to Mg
24-30 mEq/L (BMP Order Set)
96-106 mEq/L (BMP Order Set)
70-110 mg/dL (BMP Order Set)
8.5-10.8 mg/dL (BMP Order Set) Inversely related to PO4
1.5-2.2 mEq/L (Individually ordered) Directly related to K
2.6-4.5 mg/dL (Individually ordered) inversely related to Ca
RBCs males
males 4.5-5.9 X 10^6 cells/uL (CBC order set)
RBCs females
females 4.1-5.1 X 10^6 cells/uL (CBC order set)
Hgb males
males 14-17.5 g/dL (CBC order set)
Hgb females
females 12.3-15.3 g/dL (CBC order set)
Hct males
males 42-50% (CBC order set)
Hct females
females 36-45% (CBC order set)
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate ESR males males 1-15 mm/hr (individually ordered)
males 1-15 mm/hr (individually ordered)
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate ESR females
females 1-20 mm/hr (individually ordered)
4.4-11.3 X 10^3 cells/mm^3 (CBC order set)
Platelets Plt
150,000-450,000 cells/uL (CBC order set)
Prothrombin Time PT
10-13 seconds (coags order set)
International normalized ratio INR
1.00-2.00 ratio (coags order set)
Activated partial thromboplastin time aPTT
22-38 seconds (coags order set)
substance being measured
Qualitative Tests: Sensitivity - definition
ability to identify the % of patients who actually have the disease, portion of true positives ex. Sensitivity = 100% = test is positive in every patient who has the disease
Qualitative Tests: Sensitivity - formula
Sensitivity = {(True Positive / (True Positive + False Negative)}X100
Qualitative Tests: Specificity - definition
ability of test to identify patients who do NOT have the disease, determines the portion of true negatives. higher the specificity = lower chance of a false positive
Qualitative Tests: Specificity - formula
Specificity = {(True Negative / (True Negative + False Positive)}X100
Positive Predictive Value PPV - definition
proportion of people with positive tests
Negative Predictive Value NPV - definition
proportion of people with negative tests
Positive Predictive Value PPV - formula
PPV = {TP / (TP+FP)} X 100
Negative Predictive Value NPV - formula
NPV = {(TN / (TN+FN)} X 100
= {(TP+TN)/#of samples tested}X100
The assay reproducibility, agreement of results when speciman assayed many times
Quantitative Test: Normal Range
+/- 2 standard deviations from the mean lab value
Quantitative Test: Critical Values
lab values far enough outside normal range to indicate morbidity or mortality
acute weight loss. SE = tachycardia, orthostatis, BUN/Scr>20, dry mouth, skin, skin turger. Causes = diuretics, diarrhea, vomitting
acute weight gain (~4lbs). SE = edema in extremities and pulmonary, ascites (liver failure), anasarca (nephrotic syndrome).
Hypernatremia Hypervolemic
Na > 145 mEq/L; weight gain; excessive hypertonic saline fluids; Treat= Fluid restriction, discontinue hypertonic saline fluids
Hypernatremia Euvolemic
Na > 145 mEq/L; no change in weight; Diabetes Insipidus or reduced ADH secretion via head trauma or CNS tumor or Resistance to ADH due to Li, Phenytoin Demeclocycline; Treat= Fluid restriction, remove tumor/discontinue or lower medication dosage
Hypernatremia Hypovolemic
Na > 145 mEq/L; weight loss; inability to access water, vomitting, diarrhea, increased sweating, fatigue; Treat: Fluid repletion
Hyponatremia Hypovolemic
Na < 135 mEq/L; weight loss; ability to access water or excessive doses of thiazide or loop diuretics; Treat: Fluid repletion, discontinue/lower medication dosage
Hyponatremia Euvolemic
Na < 135 mEq/L; no change in weight; Increased ADH secretion via tumor/CNS disorder or sensitization to ADH due to Carbamazepine, Cyclophosamide, NSAIDs, SSRIs, or HYPOthyroidism, polygenic polydipsia, Addison's Disease; Treat: Fluid restriction, remove tumor/discontinue or lower medication dosage/treat undelying disease states
Hyponatremia Hypervolemic
Na < 135 mEq/L; weight gain; Fluid retentive disease states (Ascites, Anasarca, Peripheral/Pulmonary edema - heart failure); Treat= Fluid restriction, Treat underlying disease states
Hyperkalemia and HyperMagnesium
K>5.0 mEq/L; Mg>2.2 mEq/L; Excessive intake and decrease output (renal failure, drugs - K+ sparing diuretics) K=Metabolic Acidosis
Hypokalemia and HypoMagnesium
- K<3.5 mEq/L; Mg<1.5 mEq/L; decreased intake and increased output
- (renal failure, drugs - K+ sparing diuretics) K=Metabolic Alkalosis
Vit D3 affect on Ca
Bone: Increase Ca; Stomarch: Increase Ca; Kidney: Increase Ca; Chronic Renal Disease (decreased vit D3 activation and decreaseds response to PTH): Decrease Ca
Parathyroid Hormone PTH affect on Ca and PO4
Bone: Increase Ca; Stomarch: Increase Ca; Kidney: Increase Ca and Decrease PO4; Chronic Renal Disease (decreased vit D3 activation and decreaseds response to PTH): Decrease Ca and Increase PO4
Hyponatremia <135 mEq/L; 125?
125 = Nausea and Vomitting
Hyponatremia <135 mEq/L; 115-120?
115-120 = Headache, tremors incoordination, lethargy, deliruium, obtundation
Hyponatremia <135 mEq/L; 110-115?
110-115 = seizures, coma
Hypernatremia >145 mEq/L; 160?
signs start to appear at 160 mEq/L, cerebral dehydration - thirst, lethargy, restlessness, hyperreflexia, irritability, muscle twitching, seizure, coma
Hypercalcemica > 10.8, but <13?
10.8-13 = asymptomatic
Hypercalcemica > 10.8, but 13-15?
13-15 = polyuria, nocturia, polydipsia, nausea, vomitting, constipation
Hypercalcemica > 10.8, >15?
>15 = lethargy, obtundation, psychosis, coma, death, acute renal failure, soft tissue calcification (Ca X PO3 >55), nephrolithiasis, CRI, atherosclerosis
Hypophosphatemia <2.6, but <2.0?
Asymptomatic until less than 2.0 = weakness, numbness, parasthesias, myalgia, rhabdomyolysis, Card + Resp failyre, confusion, obtundation, hallucination, delirium, seizures, coma, hemolysis, WBC + platelet dysfunction
Myocardial Conduction Dysfunction ?
Myocardial Coronary Perfusion ?
Acute Coronary Syndrome ACS - definition
an umbrella term referring to symptoms associated with myocardial ischemia - significant reductions in blood flow to heart muscle linked to heart disease, reduction in blood flow may/may not lead to an acute MI
Acute Coronary Syndrome ACS - Outcomes (3)?
Unstable Agina UA, Non ST segment elevation MI NSTEMI, or ST segment elevation MI STEMI
Distinguishes b/n UA, NSTEMI, STEMI
Electrocardiography and Biochemical Markers
Acute Coronary Syndrome ACS - Clinical Presentation
Cannot distinguish between UA, NSTEMI, or STEMI. but 1. 75% or patients will have chest pain (substernal, pressure sensation, fullness, sqeezing, occurs on exertion) and Radiating pain (to jaw, neck, shoulder, arms, or back) 2. 1/3 of patients will have shortness of breath and epigastric discomfort 3. Hypotension, new 3rd heart sound, jugular venous distention, rales on auscultation
Acute Coronary Syndrome ACS - Electocardiography ECG - Myocardial Contraction
Depolarization of the atria (P wave) and ventricles (QRS complex)
Acute Coronary Syndrome ACS - Electocardiography ECG - Myocardial Repolarization
Repolarization of the ventricles (T wave)
ECG - Limb leads produce what view?
produce a sagittal and frontal view
ECG - chest leads produce what view?
produce a horizontal view
ECG - Conduction amongts the leads determine:
Presence of myocardial ischemia, injury, or infarction; location of infarction; site of occlusion in the coronary artery involved
ECG in ACS: T wave inversion =
T wave inversion = Ischemia
ECG in ACS: ST wave depression =
ST wave depression = Ischemia
ECG in ACS: ST segment elevation =
ST segment elevation = Infarct (complete occlusion)
ECG in ACS: Appearance of Q waves =
Appearance of Q waves = Infarct
Biochemical Markers: Criteria for the ideal marker (4)
1. High sensitivity and specificity 2. Rapid release into blood after injury, without rapid clearance 3. Strong correlation between concentration and extent of tissue damage 4. Assay is readily available, easy to perform, inexpensive, and rapid
Myoglobin Elevation
1-4 hours
Myoglobin Returns to Normal
24 hours
Myoglobin Origin
Heme protein found in cardiac and skeletal muscle
Myoglobin Sensitivity / Specificity
Highly sensitive (>85% at 5 hours), but lacks specificity
Creatine Kinase Sensitivity / Specificity
Excellent Sensitivity 98%, but poor specificity 67%
Creatine Kinase Elevation
3-12 hours
Creatine Kinase peak
24 hours
Creatine Kinase returns to normal
2-3 days
Creatine Kinase Origin
Enzyme that stimulates the transfer of high energy phosphate groups
Creatine Kinase 3 isoenzymes?
CK-MM = in skeletal muscle, CK-BB = in brain, CK-MB = most in myocardium, some in skeletal muscle
Creatine Kinase: Other causes of CK-MB increase
Trauma, skeletal muscle injury, surgical procedures involving GI tract, uterus, or prostate
Myoglobin: Other Causes of Increase
skeletal muscle damage, trauma, renal failure
Time to give Myoglobin to patient
Less than 6 hours from onset of chest pain
Time to give Creatine Kinase to patient
Less than 6 hours from onset of chest pain
Time to give Troponin to patient
Greater than 6 hours from onset of chest pain
Relative Idex (RI) Definition
used to distinguish cardiac and noncardiac sources of CK-MB elevations
Relative Idex (RI) formula
- RI = (measured CK-MB / Total CK Activity) X 100
- RI>2 - suggestive of AMI
Troponin Origin
protein complex located along the thin filaments of myofribrils, regulate Ca mediated interaction of actin and myosin, Troponin C expressed in myocardial and skeletal muscle is identical
Troponin CTnI and CTnT elevation
3-12 hours
Troponin CTnI and CTnT peak
CTnI = 24 hours; CTnT = 12-48 hours
Troponin CTnI and CTnT Returns to Normal
CTnI = 5-10 days; CTnT = 5-14 days
Troponin Sensitivity / Specificity
Both very high, in an AMI = levels increase 20 times; in severe occlusion and unstable plaque = low elevated levels
Troponin Other Causes for Elevation
heart failure, pulmonary embolism, renal failure, rhabdomyolysis
Other uses for Biochemical Markers (3)
Risk-stratification, Reinfarction, Post Intervention
Acute Myocardial Infarction AMI effects on glucose
increases post MI (likely due to stress)
Acute Myocardial Infarction AMI effects on WBC
increases post MI likely due to increased cortisol levels
Acute Myocardial Infarction AMI effects on ESR
Increase due to inflammation
Acute Myocardial Infarction AMI effects on lipid panel
decreases for upwards of 6-8 weeks
BNP - Brain Naturetic Peptide: Use of Test
Test to assist in diagnosis of HF, Monitors response to therapy, and Established prognosis of HF
BNP - Brain Naturetic Peptide - Range/Sensitivity/Specificity
0-100 pg/ml, 74%, 91%
TIMI Risk Score High Risk?
High Risk is greater than or equal to 5
What imaging study test to get if TIMI is High Risk?
Cardiac Catherization with coronary angioplasty
What test to get if TIMI is Low or Medium Risk?
Cardiac Stress Test
What imaging study test to get if positive cardiac stress test?
Cardiac Catherization with coronary angioplasty
A negative cardiac stress test means ?
Noncardiac origin
When is Imaging Studies needed? NSTEMI or STEMI
NSTEMI - evaluate risk stratification for coronary occlusion
Imaging Studies: Cardiac Stress Test - Purpose
Identification of >75% stenosis of large coronary arteries
Imaging Studies: Cardiac Stress Test - Methods
Exercise Induced Stress or Pharmacologic Induced Stress (Adenosine - vasodilator; Dipyridamole - vasodilator; Dobutamine - Contractility and HR)
Imaging Studies: Nuclear Imaging - Methods
Technitium is injected at rest followed by a gamma camera scan, patient is then stressed, technitium injected after stress, gamma camera rotated around patient
Imaging Studies: Nuclear Imaging - Purpose
Radiactive element concentrates in necrotic tissue, myocardial uptake of technitium directly proportioned to coronary patency
Imaging Studies: Cardiac Catherization - Purpose
Diagnostic = assess myocardial integrity and blood flow, assess coronary artery patency; Therapeutic = used to conduct coronary angioplasty or place a stent
Imaging Studies: Cardiac Catherization -Method
Thin catheter inserted in bloeed vessel of arm or leg, passed through either right or left side of heart, contrast media injected through catheter to visualize heart
Imaging Studies: Echocardiography "Echo"-Method
high frequency soundwaves projected, ultrasonic echoes produced as they strike tissues of different densities to produce image
Imaging Studies: Echocardiography "Echo" - Purpose
Assess myocardial integrity and motion defects; mostly walls, valves, chamber blood