
  1. What is the deffintion of climate
    weather conditions of a place averaged over a long period of time
  2. Definition of weather
    Combination of temperature, precipitation, cloud cover and winds experienced daily
  3. Whats the difference?
    • Weather: Short term
    • Climate: Long term
  4. What are the factors that effect climate
    • Lattitude, Ocean Currents, Winds and air masses, Elevation, Relief, Nearness to water
    • LOWERN
  5. Describe lattitude
    • The closer to equator=warmer
    • Closer to poles= less precipitation, since cooler air holds less moisture, cold
  6. Ocean Currents
    • Oceans bring warm water to cool areas or cool water to warm areas.
    • Warm water gives more moisture , therefore effects the amount of precipitation the nearby land recieves
  7. Wind and air masses
    • Warm winds influence land in warm way, cool wind= cool way
    • In canada generally Winds travel west to east (westerlies)
    • amount pecipitation varies on montain sideDepends on direction winds are moving amount of moisture they carry
  8. Elevation
    • Higher=cooler temp+more precipitation your likely to get
    • because air cools, expands and goes through condensation
  9. Relief
    Mountains block wind and air masses causing temperature to be different of either side. Snow will melt on side that recieves direct sun rays
  10. Nearness to water
    • If the water is warm influences land in warm way
    • Water is cool=cool way
    • Precipitation is higher near the oceans
  11. Precipitation can fall in the form of
    rain snow or hail
  12. Three main causes of precipiton
    • relief/ orographic
    • convectional
    • frontal
  13. Convectional Precipitation
    Only occurs on hot summer days when ground is hot, as the air rises it cools and condensation occurs. Rain or hail may fall
  14. what is the area that gets this
    Praires, during the summer
  15. Frontal
    • When a warm moist air mass is forced to rise by a cool dry air mass, precipitation occurs
    • (Think of it as two people fighting but in this case warm and cool air. They fight until they pass eachother. could go on and off all day)
  16. what place gets this
    Central and eastern canada
  17. Orographic/relief
    • Precipitation created when an air mass rises to cross a mountain barrier
    • Canada's west coast

    (Left sides get most because of pacific ocean
  18. Which area gets this
    The western mountains
  19. For climate graphs temp is always____ graph and _____
    • line graph, red
  20. For pecipitaion its always a____ graph and _____
    Bar, blue
  21. Growing season is when temp is above__ degrees celcios and its____
    6 , green
  22. When you travel north temperatures become
  23. Places on the coast are normally____ than places on the______
    _____ have a strong impact on precipatation, and ________
    milder, interior, ocean, temperture
  24. What are the climate regions?
    Arctic, Pacific Maritime, Cordilleran, Atlantic Maritime, Southeastern, Prairie, Boreal, Taiga
  25. What are the different climate types
    • Continental
    • Maritime
  26. Describe maritime climates and which climate regions they effect+rain and temp
    A climate type that is strongly influenced by closeness to large body of water, large lake or ocean that is not covered in ice

    • West Coast, east coast,Southeastern
    • 10-30 degrees (small range)
    • 1000-2500(moderate to high)
  27. Describe Continental climate, and amount of rain and temp
    • Climate type that develops away from the influence of the ocean
    • 25-50 degrees (large range)
    • 200-1000 mm(low to moderate)
  28. Cold winter, warm summer, moderate precipitation
    Atlantic Maritime
  29. Temperatures and Precipitation vary greatly
  30. very cold winter, short cold summer, very dry
  31. Cold winter, hot summer, dry
  32. Cold winter, cool summer, moderate precipitation
    taiga and boreal
  33. Mild winter, warm summer, heavy precipitation
    Pacific maritime
  34. cool winter, hot summer, moderate precipitation
Card Set
geo climate