American History

  1. 1865 Southern Black Codes
    • No acsses to courts
    • no black man on jury if black on trial
    • No suit against whites
    • No firearms
    • Id and Travel Passes
    • Cant own property
  2. Share Cropping
    • White owns land- Black works and rents
    • Black gains debts
    • Can't move until debts paid
    • Poor whites as well
  3. 1955- "KKK"
    4th phase
    • Civil Rights Movement
    • Till present time
  4. 1866- "Private Drinking club"
    1st phase
    • Becomes "KKK" (Night Riders)
    • Terrorist group
    • Intimidate blacks
  5. 4 phases of "KKK"
    • 1866-68- First phase
    • 1919- 2nd Phase begins
    • 1930's ends with WWII
    • 1955- until present time
  6. 1919 "KKK"
    2nd phase
    WWI- blacks become empowered
  7. 1930's KKK
    3rd phase
    • 100,000 clans man in CA
    • Blacks, catholics and Jews
    • WWII ends activity
  8. 13th Amendment
    • 1865- Weeks after war ends
    • Abolished slavery
  9. 14th Amendment
    • Product of R.R's 4/1866
    • Defined american citizen
    • No state can abridge privilges of citizen
    • no state can deprive life, liberty, property without due process
    • equal protection under law
    • personal rights
  10. 15th Amendment
    • Last civil war amendment- 1870
    • political rights
    • state cannot stop citizen from:
    • voting
    • holding office
  11. 1st Force act- 1867
    • Marshall law in South
    • State of emergency
    • ID cards
    • Curfews
    • Night ambushes
  12. 2nd force act 1871
    • Still marshall law
    • lynching increased
    • violence still
    • no trial of jury
    • standing patrol
    • Id cards
  13. 1867- Impeachment
    • Johnson impeacheed for firing cabinet member
    • Johnson found not guilty
    • not re-elected, dies few years later
  14. 1877 End of reconstruction
    • Last 4 states ratify amendments
    • RR's began to retire
    • New "modern" republicans form
  15. 1868- Grants presidency
    • 2 terms
    • 1874 2nd- scandal in admin. "whiskey ring"
  16. 1876 Democratic Candidate
    *Disputed election of 1876*
    • N&S work together to get candidate
    • Tilden
    • DA for NY
    • Crime buster
    • Hays was republican candidate
  17. "Smoke Filled Room"
    • Compromise
    • Tilden drops out
    • Postmaster was democrat
    • Hays sponsers "improvement plan" for South
    • ends 2nd force act
  18. Supreme Court 1787
    • 7 Judges
    • Appointed
    • in it for life
    • safegaurd to rich and powerful
    • insulated from public opinion
  19. 1876 Cruikshank vs. US
    • "Spirit of Law"
    • S.C state must treat citizen fairly
    • Private citizens can discriminate
  20. Civil rights cases (1886)
    • Class action suit
    • privately owned public facilities could now discriminate
  21. Plessy vs. Ferguson (1896)
    • S.C ignores 14th amendment
    • seperate but equal
    • discriminate based on skin color
    • racial segregation
  22. 1905
    • NAACP
    • WEB Dubois- Founder
  23. Brown vs. Board of Education (1954)
    • Marshall takes over case
    • won after 2 hrs of deliberation
  24. Williams vs. Mississippi 1898
    15th amendment
    • 3 discriminatory acts
    • Poll tax
    • Literacy test
    • residency req.
    • grandfather clause
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American History