drugs for nutritional disorders

  1. vitamins
    needed for growth and health
  2. what is the only vitamin your body makes
  3. what is vit b good for
    co enzymes for metabolic process
  4. vit A function
    precursor of retinol for normal vision
  5. function of vitaminD
    regulates calcium metabolism
  6. function of vitamin K
    needed to produce prothrombin- vit K for clotting
  7. what is important to tell patients about water soluble vitamins
    your body cant store these it excretes it in the urine, so don't take to much. The fat soluble vitamins ADEK are absorbed so dont take to much you can actually become toxic
  8. people with certain conditions require specific things
    example, preg woment- folic acid
    renal pts- iron
  9. s/s of iron deficiency (some)
    • SOB
    • fatigue
    • red split tongue
    • pale mucus membranes
    • poor wound healing
  10. ways to obtain vitamin D
    • D2- dairy
    • D3- ultraviolet light
  11. vitamin C deficieny
  12. b1 deficiency
  13. nician or B3 deficiency
  14. b12 deficiency
    megablastic or pernicious anemia
  15. role the nurse
    • monitor client condition
    • patient education
    • assess lifestyle and dietary habits
    • health history
  16. fat soluble vitamin assessment
    • impaired liver function
    • deficiency
    • toxicity
  17. caution in pts. with kidney stones and vitamin C, tell them to increase fluids
  18. if calcium is prescribe use caution in
    • glucocortiocoids
    • thiazide diuretics
    • tetracyclines
    • avoid zinc rich foods, because they impair calcium absorption
  19. if phosphorus is prescribed
    • inform PCP if on sodium or potassium restricted diet
    • report seizure activity and stop drug
    • avoid antiacids
  20. if magnesium sulfate is prescribed
    • changes in LOC
    • deep tendon reflex
    • thirst
    • confusion
  21. s/s iron anaphylaxis
    • angioedema
    • hives
    • throat tightness
    • tachy
    • adverse po effects are N/V, constipation, diarrhea, abd pain, dark stools, leg cramps
  22. Iv magnesium
    • given over 3-4 hours
    • toxic
    • flushing
    • sedation
    • confusion
    • increased thirst
    • muscle weakness
    • neuromuscular blockade
    • resp paralysis
    • heart block
    • circulatory collapse
    • antidote is calcium gluconate
  23. TPN
    • short term through a peripheral vein
    • long term through a central vein
  24. folic acid assessment
    • health history
    • physical exam
    • (special attention paid to anemic states)
    • Labs, folic acid levels, H/H, reticulocyte count, CBC to determine type of anemia
  25. TPN assessment
    • health history
    • physical exam
    • assess for nutritional deficiency
    • labs- protein/albumin, creattinine , BUN, CBC, electrolytes, lipid profile, iron levels
  26. interventions for TPN
    • vital signs observe for signs of infection
    • take precautions to prevent infection
    • blood sugar
    • signs of fluid overload
    • renal status
    • accurate infusion rate of pump
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drugs for nutritional disorders
drugs for nutrition disorders