Which level?
Group of similar cells
Common embryonic origin
Common function
Tissue Level
Covers body surfaces
Lines hollow organs, cavities and ducts
Forms glands
Epithelial Tissue
Material found between cells and organs
Supports and binds structures together
Stores energy as fat
Provides immunity to disease
Connective Tissue
Provides movement and generation of force
Muscle Tissue
Cells that generate and conduct nerve impulses
Control and coordinate body functions
Nerve Tissue
What are the 3 germ layers within the embryo?
Epithelium from all 3 germ layers
Connective tissue & muslce from mesoderm
Nerve Tissue from ectoderm
Tissue derivations
How many distinct layers do cells of embryonic disc produce?
Forms epithelial lining of FI & respiratory
Forms muscle, bone & other connective tissues
Develops into epidermis of skin and nervous system
Which type of Epithelium...
Epidermis of skin
Lining of blood vessels and ducts
Lining respiratory, reproductive, urinary and GI tract
Covering and lining epithelium
Which type of Epithelium...
Secreting portion of glands
ex. thyroid, adrenal, and sweat glands
Glandular epithelium
What are the 8 general features of epithelial tissue?
- 1. Closely packed cells forming continuous sheets
- 2. Cells held together with tight junctions and little extracellular material between them
- 3. Cells sit on basement membrane
- 4. Apical (upper) free surface
- 5. Avascular -- without blood vessels (nutrients diffuse in from underlying connective tissue
- 6. Good nerve supply
- 7. Rapid cell division
- 8. Numerous functions including protection, absorption, secretion, etc.
(STBAANRF) so the banker and andy never ran faster
Which Basement Membrane:
From epithelial cells
Collagen fibers
Basal lamina
Which Basement Membrane:
Secreted by connective tissue cells
Reticular fibers
Reticular lamina
Holds cells to connective ttissue
note: nerve supply BUT avascular
Basement Membrane
one cell layer thick
many cell layers thick
single layer of cells where all cells don't reach apical surface
(nuclei are found at different levels so it looks multilayered)
shape of surface cell: flat
shape of surface cell: cube-shaped
shape of cell surface: tall column
shape of cell surface: shape varies with tissue stretching
Lines blood vessels (endothelium), and body cavities (mesothelium)
Very thing -- controls diffusion, osmosis and filtration
Simple Squamous Epithelium (Single layer of flat cells)
Cells in direct contact with each other
Simple squamous epithelium
Lines tubes of kidney
Absorption or secretion
Single layer of cube-shaped cells viewed from the side
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
Single layer rectangular cells
Unicellular glands
Nonciliated Simple Columnar
Goblet cells secrete mucus
(lubricate GI, respiratory, reproductive and urinary systems)
Important unicellular glands
Fingerlike cytoplasmic projections
For absorption of GI tract (stomach to anus)
Single layer rectangular cells with cilia
Much from goblet cells moved along by cilia (found in repiratory system and uterine tubes)
Ciliated Simple Columnar Epithelium
Single cell layer
All cells attach to basement membrane but not all reach free surface
Nuclei at varying depths
Respiratory system, male urethra & epididymis
Pseudostratified Columnar
Several cell layers thick
Surface cells flat
Stratified Squamous Epithelium
Surface cells dead and filled with keratin
-skin (epidermis)
No keratin in moist living cells at surface
-mouth, vagina
Surface cells cuboidal
-rare (only found in sweat gland ducts and male urethra)
Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium
Surface cells columnar
Rare (very large ducts & part of male urethra)
Stratified Columnar Epithelium
Surface cells varying in shape from round to flate if stretched
Lines hollow organs that expand from within (urinary bladder)
Transitional Epithelium
Derived from epithelial cells that sank below the surface during development
Glandular Epithelium
Glandular Epithelium:
Cells that secrete onto free surface of epithelial layer or into ducts
Unicellular glands or multicellular glands
Exocrine glands
Glandular Epithelium:
Secrete hormones into the bloodstream (ductless)
Hormones help maintain homeostasis
Endocrine glands
Exocrine Glands:
Unicellular are single-celled glands called ______
goblet cells
Exocrine glands:
Classified according to shape of duct: simple (unbranched) or compound (branched) ducts
Classified according to structure of gland: tubular or acinar (flask-liek)shape or both
Multicellular glands
unbranched ducts
simple ducts
branched ducts
compound ducts
Methods of Glandular Secretion:
Most glands
Cells release their products by exocytosis
Eg saliva, digestive enzymes & sweat
found only in mammary gland
Upper part of cell pinches off and dies
Oil gland (sebaceous)
Whole cells die & rupture to release their products