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    Mammoth bone houses, Ukriane, Paleolithic
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    Wall painting, Horses, Rhinos, and Aurochs, at chauvet cave, France Paleolithic, C. 30,000 BC
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    Woman of Willendorf, from Austria, Paleolithic
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    Hall of Bulls, paintings at Lascaux cave, France, Paleolithic
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    Stonehenge, Southern England, Neolithic, c. 3,000-1,500 BC
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    Great Serpent Mound, Ohio, /mississippian culture, c. 1070 AD
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    Cahokia Mounds, East St. Louis, Mississipian culture, c. 1150 AD
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    Pictographs in Horseshoe Canyon, Utah, unknown American culture
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    Pueblo Bonito, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, Anasazi people
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    Sun Dagger at Chaco Canyon, New Mexico
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    White house ruins in Canyon de Chelly, Arizona, Anasazi
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    Offering 4 from La Venta, Mexico, Olmec culture
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    Great Pyramid and ball court, at La Venta, Mexico, Olmec culture, 900-400 BC
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    Colossal Head, from San Lorrenzo, Olmec culture, Mexico
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    Gate to the Underworld, set before a cave t Chalcatzingo, Olmec, Mexico. Know about the other parts to this puzzle, including the site and the relief with the king, and what they mean togetherand how used.

    • Know
    • about the other parts

    • to this puzzle, including the site and the
    • relief with the king, and what they mean together and how used.

    • Know
    • about the other parts

    • to this puzzle, including the site and the
    • relief with the king, and what they mean together and how used.
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    Jaguar-human baby, ceremonial axe, Plmec, Mexico. What might the jaguar-human baby symbolize? What all was found at eh mountain base at Chalcatzingo beside the Gate to the Underworld? What does the relief of 'The King' there represent? How does the Gate to the Underworld relate to that?
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    Great Pyramid at Tenochitlan, now Mexico City, 1375-1519 AD, Aztec culture, Mexico. Excavations revealed 13 phases of construction from 1375 to 1519, several layers shown with colered lights
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    Coyolxauhaui stone from the Great Pyramid, Tenochtitlan, set up c. 1470 AD, 8 tons, Aztec, Mexico
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    Coatlicue, standing stone figure from the Great Pyramid at Tenochtitlan, Aztec, Mexico
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    Stone with Aztec earth goddess, squatting to give birth while drinking her own blood, 12 tons, from Tenochtitlan, now Mexico city, Aztec
Card Set
Art History Test 1