Gerontology Ch. 1

  1. Senesence
    Age-related loss of function
  2. Gerontology
    The study of the human aging process from maturity to old age, as well as the study of older adults as a special population.
  3. Aging
    Progressive changes during adult years.
  4. Chronological Aging
    Number of years since birth
  5. Biological Aging
    Changes reducing efficiency of organ systems.
  6. Psychological Aging
    Including memory, learning, adaptive capacity, personality, mental functioning.
  7. Social Aging
    Referring to social roles, relationships, and the overall social context in which we grow old.
  8. Detroit Syndrome
    Describes people in terms of the obsolescence that exists for cars.
  9. Cumulative Disadvantage
    The negative effects of inequality in wealth, status, and opportunity over the life span.
  10. Baby boom generation
    Those born between 1946 and 1964.
  11. Selection for Survival
    Members of a population are selected for survival based on their resistance to common causes of death. (May be environmental or intrinsic)
  12. Survival Curve
    Percent of people surviving to selected ages.
  13. Ageism
    Prejudiced behavior of individuals and systems within the culture against older adults including the negative consequences of inaccurate stereotyping of the elderly.
  14. gerontophilia
    Old age was exalted and venerated, sometimes hated and feared, but more often honored and obeyed. (1600-1800)
  15. Gerontophobia
    Americans increasingly glorified youth instead of age, and older people often became victims of prevailing attitudes and social arrangements. (1800-present)
Card Set
Gerontology Ch. 1
Ch. 1 Aging in America