Law Latin

  1. A fortiori
    With even stronger reason; More conclusively; All the more so.
  2. A posteriori
    From what comes after. (From effect to cause)
  3. A priori
    From what comes before. (Reasoning from cause to effect)
  4. Ab extra
    From without or from outside.
  5. Ab initio (ab init)
    From the beginning.
  6. Ab intra
    From within.
  7. Ab origine
    From the source, from the first.
  8. Absense haeres non erit
    An absent person will not be an heir.
  9. Accedas ad curiam
    You may approach the court.
  10. Accessorius sequitur
    One who is an accessory to the crime cannot be guilty of a more serious crime than the principal offender.
Card Set
Law Latin
Legal phrases in Latin