Renal Adherence study

  1. What was it like for
    you when you got your kidney transplant?
    In what ways did life change for you?

    What was hard for you?

    What was easier than you had expected?

    What surprised you?
  2. I would like to know what it has been like for you to take medicine to help you keep your kidney.

    What was it like for you at first to take medication to help you keep your kidney?
    What was difficult?

    What was easy?

    What problems did you have when you first started to take the medication?

    • What did you have to do to take
    • your medication as you are supposed to?

    • What side effects did you have? How did you handle these side
    • effects?

    How did you feel about taking the medication?

    Tell me about a time when you had trouble taking your medication and how you handled this?

    • How did people you know help you to
    • take your medications? This could be family, friends, a nurse, or a doctor.

    In what ways is taking these medications different from taking other medicines?
  3. What is it like for you now to take medication to help you keep your kidney?
    • How would you compare taking
    • medicines now to what it was like when you first started to take the medications for your kidneys?

    In what ways are you better at taking your medicines now than you were at first?

    In what ways is it harder for you to take your medicines now than it was at first?

    What side effects do you have? How do you handle these side effects?

    How do you feel about taking the medication?
  4. Most people forget to take their medications some times. Tell me about the last time you forgot to
    take your medicine.
    What happened?

    What did you do?
  5. I am interested in knowing about any tools or reminders you use to help you take your
    What tools and reminders do you use now to help you take your medications (if any)?

    What do you do to help yourself remember to take your medications when you are supposed to?

    Some people use pill boxes or alarms.

    Do you use a pill box or alarms?
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Renal Adherence study
Interview questions