
  1. CNS
    • Brain- receives and processes sensory information; initiates responses;stores memories;generates thoughts and emotions
    • Spinal Cord- conducts signals to and from brain; controls reflex activities
  2. PNS
    • transmits signals between CNS and rest of the body
    • Motor Neurons and Sensory Neurons are under PNS
  3. Motor Neurons
    • Under the PNS
    • carry signals from the CNS that control activities of muscles and glands
    • Somatic Nervous System and Autonomic Nervous Systems fall under Motor Neurons
  4. Somatic Nervous system
    voluntary movements by activating skeletal muscles
  5. Autonomic Nervous system
    • involuntary responses by influencing organs, glands, and smooth muscle
    • Sympathetic Division and Parasympathetic Division are under Autonomic
  6. Sympathetic Division
    • Fight of Flight-accelerator
    • involuntary
    • Adrenergic Receptors- Alpha and Beta
  7. Parasympathetic Division
    • Rest and Digest- non-stressful
    • involuntary
    • Cholinergic Receptors
  8. Sympathetic Actions
    • heart rt and BP ingrease to increase oxygen to blood supply
    • blood shunted to skeletal muscles for movement
    • Liver produces glucose for energy
    • bronchi dilate to allow more air
    • pupils dilate for better vision
  9. Parasympathetic Actions
    • digestive processes promoted
    • heart rate slows and BP decreases
    • bronchial constriction (need less air)
    • assists with bowel and bladder emptying
    • focuses eyes for near vision
  10. Adrenergic Receptors
    • Alpha and Beta
    • Alpha 1- (heart) raise BP to improve circulation
    • Alpha 2- (lungs) lower vasoconstriction; lower BP; postganglionic symp. nerve endings
    • Beta 1- (heart) raise heart rate and BP
    • Beta 2- (lungs) bronchodilation; raise blood flow to skeletal muscle; slows uterine muscle contractions; raises blood glucose
  11. Selective
    activates only 1 type of receptor
  12. Non-selective
    activates all receptors
  13. Dose dependence
    activates only 1 receptor at low dose, but other receptors at higher doses
  14. Sympathetic Receptor
    • Adrenergic Receptors
    • Alphas and Betas
    • Dopaminergic (inhibitory)-vessels dilate and blood flow increases=improved circulation [only dopamine can activate this receptor]
  15. Cholinergic Receptors
    • Muscarinic receptors(parasympathetic)-located on target tissue affected by postganglionic neurons in parasympathetic nervous system. ACTION: stimulate smooth muscle and gland secretion; in heart-decreased heart rate and force of contraction.
    • Nicotinic(sympathetic and parasympathetic)-located at ganglionic synapse in both symp. and parasymp. ACTION-stimulate smooth muscle and gland secretion
  16. Acetylcholine
    • Ach-excitatory
    • released by Cholinergic nerves-nerves that release Acetycholine (Ach)
Card Set
test II