cell proliferation
increasing # of cell ny mitosis
cell differentiation
cell bocomes more specialized in structure & function
growth factors
- proteins that drive proliferation of remnants of injured parenchymal cells, vascular endothelial cells, fibroblasts
- hormone-like proteins increase cell size & division
- regulate inflammatory process
- chemoattractants
- generation of ECM
progenitor cells
cells of specialized groups that have not diferentiated to the extent they lose ability to divide
Cell cycle G1
post-mitotic phase DNA synthesis stops & RNA and protein synthesis & cell growth occurs
cell cycle S
- DNA synthesis
- 2 sets of chromosomes formed
cell cycle G2
- premitotic phase
- RNA & protein made
cell cycle M
mitosis; nuclear division
cell cycle G0
- mitoticaly quiescent
- resting state
- may reenter cycle response to extracellular nutrients, growth factors, hormones, blood loss,
- highly differentiated cells remain in G0
proteins control entry & progression through cell cycle
cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK)
cyclin activated proteins that phosphorylate proteins
labile tissues
- continuously dividing
- epithelial, bone marrow
stabile tissues
- normally stop dividing when growth stops
- can regenerate with stimulus
- liver, vascular
permanent tissues
do not proliferate; nerve, skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle
stem cells
reserve cells that ramain quiescent until need for replenishment
stem cell self renewal
undergo numerous mitosis & keep undifferentiated state
stem cell asymmetric replication
after each cell division some cell specialize & others stay undifferentiated
totipotent stem cells
produced by fertilized ovum
pluripotent stem cells
differentiate into 3 layers of embryo
multipotent stem cells
hematopoetic cells
unipotent stem cells
- produce one cell type
- retain self-renewal
embryonic stem cells
- pluirpotent from blastocyst in embryo;
- generate multiple cell lines
adult stem cells
generate multiple cell lines from bone marrow