Ethics Final Exam

  1. golden mean
    virtue lies between extremes
  2. journalists first obligation
    to truth
  3. utilitarianism
    consequences of actions are most important
  4. kant's categorical imperative
    so act as if your maxims should serve at the same time as universal laws
  5. Sissela Bok's Model for Ethical Decision Making
    • 1- Consult Individual Conscience
    • 2- Seek expert advice for alternative
    • 3- Conduct a hypothetical or real public discourse
  6. Piaget's three stages of moral development
    • 1- egocentrism
    • 2- heteronomy
    • 3- autonomy
  7. Newton's burden of visual truth is on
    • 1- producers
    • 2- editors
    • 3- consumers
  8. Four principles of responsible advocacy
    • process
    • truth
    • access
    • disclosure
  9. Bryant's Privacy Intrusion Checklist
    • 1- should the moment be made public
    • 2- is it taken from an unobtrusive distance
    • 3- consider compassion and sensitivity
    • 4- will the photo cause more trauma
  10. litmus test if a photo is manipulative
    ask is this deceptive?
  11. main rule and golden mean of blogging
  12. norms replacing objectivity for blogging (constellations)
    • 1-accuracy
    • 2-advocacy
    • 3-transparency
  13. Four ways news organiztions can incorporate citizen voices
    • citizen blogging
    • citizen reporting
    • citizen site creation
    • citizen media sites
  14. pragmatism claims
    truth is relative
  15. Potter Box, 4 steps of decision making
    • values
    • facts
    • principles
    • loyalties
  16. RTNDA code of ethics
    • trust
    • truth
    • fairness
    • integrity
    • independence
    • accountability
  17. Williams Evaluation Criteria for political journalism
    • transparency
    • pluralism
    • verisimilitude
    • practice
  18. 5 functions of the press according to the Hutchins Commission
    • forum
    • explain goals
    • access to info
    • responsibility to truth
    • accurate account of the days events
  19. Theory of Interlocking Publics
    • involved
    • interested
    • uninterested
  20. conflicting loyalties
    • shared humanity
    • professional practice
    • employment
    • media's role in public life
  21. SPJ code of ethics
    • seek truth and report it
    • minimize harm
    • act independently
    • be accountable
  22. legal safegueard of privacy
    • intrusion
    • public dislosure of private embaressing facts
    • false light
    • misappropriations
  23. methods of privacy protection
    • comprehensive law
    • sectoral law
    • self regualtion
    • privacy technology
  24. moral development is a lifelong process requiring
    • practice
    • experience
    • interest in personal growth
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Ethics Final Exam
journalism final reviews