C-27J Loadmaster MQF

  1. What is the max speed for landing gear in transit?
    155 KCAS
  2. What is the max airspeed with flaps up?
    260 KCAS
  3. What is the max airspeed with fuel in aux tanks greater than the main tanks?
    235 KCAS
  4. To what level can you jettison fuel in each of the main tanks?
    1160 lbs
  5. How many pax oxygen outlets are in the cargo compartment?
    51, with another 2 in the latrine
  6. What are the left lock limitations?
    20,000 FWD & 10,000 AFT
  7. What are the right lock limitations?
    20,000 FWD & 500-4000 AFT
  8. What is the max airspeed for Flaps 2?
    175 KCAS
  9. How many floor tiedown rings are in the cargo compartment and what are they rated at?
    85 rings @ 10K
  10. How many floor tiedown rings are on the ramp and what are they rated at?
    20 rings @ 5k
  11. What are the engine starter limits?
    70 seconds on/60 seconds off for 5 cycles, let cool foor 20 minutes
  12. What are the fuel balancing limits between main tanks?
    750 lbs with no crosswind & 400 lbs with a 5 knot crosswind
  13. What are the fuel balancing limits between aux tanks?
    2000 lbs with no crosswind & 900 lbs with a 5 knot crosswind
  14. What should the accumulator pressure for the free fall assistor read?
    348+/-10 PSI @ 20 degrees C
  15. What should the TRU 1&2 battery voltage read?
    22-29 volts
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C-27J Loadmaster MQF
C-27J Loadmaster MQF