1. Measles
    • viral
    • Pathogen: Measles Virus
    • Portal of Entry: Respiratory Tract
    • skin rash
  2. Rubella
    • viral
    • Pathogen: Rubella virus
    • Portal of Entry: Respiratory Tract
    • skin rash
  3. Candidiasis
    • Fungal
    • Pathogen: Candida albicans
    • Portal of Entry: Skin, mucous membranes
    • macular rash
  4. Impetigo
    • Bacterial
    • Pathogen: Staphylococcus aureus
    • Portal of Entry: Skin
    • vesicles on skin
  5. Chickenpox
    • Viral
    • Pathogen: Varicella-zoster virus
    • Portal of Entry: Respiratory Tract
    • vesicles on face, throat, and lower back
  6. Shingles
    • Viral
    • Pathogen: Varicella-zoster virus
    • Portal of Entry: Endogenous infection of peripheal nerves
    • vesicles on waist, face and scalp, or upper chest
  7. Herpes Simplex
    • Viral
    • Pathogen: Herpes simplex virus type 1
    • Portal of Entry: Skin, mucous membranes
    • vesicles around mouth
  8. Folliculitis
    • Bacterial
    • Pathogen: Staphylococcus aureus
    • Portal of Entry: Hair follicle
    • infection of hair follicle
  9. Toxic Shock Syndrome
    • Bacterial
    • Pathogen: Staphylococcus aureus
    • Portal of Entry: Surgical incisions
    • fever, rash, shock
  10. Necrotizing fasciitis
    • Bacterial
    • Pathogen: Streptococcus pyogenes
    • Portal of Entry: Skin abrasions
    • extensive soft-tissue destruction
  11. Erysipelas
    • Bacterial
    • Pathogen: Streptococcus pyogenes
    • Portal of Entry: Skin, mucous membranes
    • reddish patches on skin
  12. Pseudomonas dermatitis
    • Bacterial
    • Pathogen: Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    • Portal of Entry: Skin abrasions
    • superficial rash
  13. Warts
    • Viral
    • Pathogen: Papillomavirus
    • Portal of Entry: Skin
    • horny projection of skin
  14. Ringworm
    • Fungal
    • Pathogen: Microsporum, Trichophyton, Epidermophyton
    • Portal of Entry: Skin
    • skin lessions
    • zoonotic
  15. Sporotrichosis
    • Fungal
    • Pathogen: Sporothrix schenkii
    • Portal of Entry: Skin abrasions
    • ulcer at site of infection spreading to nearby lymphatic vessels
    • zoonotic
  16. Scabies
    • Parasitic infestations
    • Pathogen: Sarcoptes scabiei
    • Portal of Entry: Skin
    • papules, itching
  17. Pediculosis
    • -Parasitic infestations
    • -Pathogen: Pediculus humanus capitus
    • -Portal of Entry: Skin
    • -itching
    • -zoonotic
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