Biology 121-Ch.5

  1. The outer membrane of a cell, composed of a bilayer of phospholipids in which proteins are embedded.
    plasma membrane
  2. A double layer of phospholipids that forms the basis of all cellular membranes.
    phospholipid bilayer
  3. Net movement of molecules down a gradient from high to low concentration.
  4. The movement of materials across a membrane down a gradient of concentration, pressure, or electrial charge without using cellular energy.
    passive transport
  5. The diffusion of water, dissolved gases, or lipid soluble molecules through the phospholipid bilayer of a cellular membrane.
    simple diffusion
  6. The diffusion of molecules across a membrane, assisted by protein pores or carriers embedded in the membrane.
    facilated diffusion
  7. The diffusion of water across a differentially permeable membrane, normally down a concentration gradient of free water molecules.
  8. The transfer of subatnces across a cell membrane using cellular energy; includes active transport, endocytosis, and exocytosis.
    energy-requiring transport
  9. active transport
Card Set
Biology 121-Ch.5
Cell membrane structure and function