Major Bacterial Genera S3M1

  1. Staphylococci aureus
    • Normal flora (skin)
    • Salt tolerant
    • Beta hemolytic
    • Causes many infections
  2. What are two tests one could use to detect Staphylococci aureus
    • Coagulase (+)
    • Catalase (+)
  3. What test would be done first to determine if a Gram (+) cocci was Strepococci or Staphylococci
    Catalase, (-) = Streptococci, (+) = Staphylococci
  4. What are the two mosst important alpha hemolytic Streptococci
    • Streptococci pneumonia
    • Viridans Strep
  5. What are the two most important beta hemolytic Streptococci
    • S. pyogens (strep throat/impetigo)
    • S. agalactiae
  6. Group D Streptococci are best identified by using what agar
    Esculin agar
  7. Bacillus sp.
    • Gram (+) rod
    • Aerobic
    • Anthrax causing
  8. Clostridium sp.
    • Gram (+) rod
    • Spore forming
    • Anaerobic
    • Botulism
  9. What are the 3 most important Aerobic non-spore forming gram (+) rod shaped bacteria
    • Corynebacterium
    • Listeria
    • Nocardia
  10. What are the two spore forming gram (+) rod shaped bacteria
    • Bacillus
    • Clostridium
  11. What are the most important anaerobic non spore forming gram (+) rod shaped bacteria
    • Lactobacillus
    • Actinomyoces
  12. What is the bacteria often found in yogurt
  13. Actinomyces
    • Gram (+)
    • Rod shape
    • Non spore forming
    • Anaerobic
    • Part of normal flora but can cause infection
  14. Corynebacterium
    • Gram (+)
    • Rod shaped
    • Aerobic
    • Normal flora
    • Can be club shaped or look like Chinese letters
  15. What agar is used to grow Corynebacterium
  16. Listeria
    • Gram (+)
    • Rod shape
    • Aerobic
    • Will grow in as low as 4 C˚
    • Facultative organism
    • Tumbling motility
  17. Nocardia
    • Gram (+)
    • Rod shaped
    • Aerobic
    • Acid fast
    • Opportunistic
  18. What are the major gram (-) cocci
    • Neisseria
    • Acinetobacter
    • Moraxella
  19. Neisseria
    • Gram (-) cocci
    • Oxidase (+)
    • Ferments glucose
    • Best grown in chocolate agar
  20. What two important diseases come from Neisseria
    • Gonorrhea
    • Meningitis
  21. Acinetobacter
    • Gram (-) cocci (classically gram (+) rod)
    • Causes nosocomial infections
  22. Moraxella
    • Gram (-) cocci (classically Gram (+) rod)
    • Upper respiratory flora
    • Causes Otitis media
  23. How can one determine if a condition is Meningitis or Gonorrhea
    • Gonorrhea ferments glucose
    • Meningitis ferments glucose and maltose
  24. What are the two main classes of Gram (-) rods
    • Enterobacteriacea
    • Non-Enterobacteriacea
  25. What are the four important lactose fermenting gram (-) rods
    • Serratia
    • Enterobacter
    • Escherichia
    • Klebsiella
  26. Enterobacteriaceae have what characteristics
    • Gram (-) rods
    • Ferment glucose
    • Oxidase (-)
    • Normal flora of intestines
  27. What agar would you use for Enterobacteriaceae growth
    McConkey (good for both lactose fermenting [pink] and non lactose fermenting [clear])
  28. Proteus
    • Gram (-) rod
    • Non-lactose fermenting
    • Hydrogen Sulfide producing
    • Swarming motility
    • Urease (+)
    • Common cause of UTI
  29. Salmonella
    • Motile
    • Gram (-) rod
    • Non-lactose fermenting
    • Hydrogen Sulfide producing
  30. Salmonella is grown well in what agar
    • Hektoen enteric agar
    • Appears black
  31. Shigella
    • Gram (-) rod
    • Non-Hydrogen sulfide producing
    • Non-lactose fermenting
    • Non-motile
    • Low infectious dose
    • Dysentery
  32. Yersinia
    • Gram (-) rod
    • Non lactose fermenting
    • Non-Hydrogen sulfide producing
    • Safety pin appearance
    • Animals and rodents are important vectors
    • Causes Plague
  33. Campylobacter
    • Gram (-) rod
    • Non-Enterobacteriaceae
    • "Gull wing" appearance
    • Oxidase (+)
    • Microaerophilic
    • Incubate at 42 C˚
  34. Vibrio
    • Gram (-) rod
    • Non-Enterobacteriaceae
    • Comma shaped
    • Oxidase (+)
  35. Helicobacter
    • Gram (-) rod
    • Non-Enterobacteriaceae
    • Urease (+)
    • Microaerophilic
    • Spiral shape
  36. Pseudomonas
    • Gram (-) rod
    • Non-Enterobacteriaceae
    • A successful opportunist
    • Oxidase (+)
  37. What agar does Pseudomonas grow best in
    Cetramide agar
  38. What are the major Gram (-) rods of the respiratory tract
    • Haemophilus
    • Bordetella
    • Legionella
  39. Haemophilus
    • Gram (-) rod
    • Respiratory tract
    • Fastidious
    • Requires factor X and V
  40. What agar does Haemophilus grow best in
    Chocolate agar
  41. Bordetella
    • Gram (-) rod
    • Respiratory tract
    • Fastidious
    • Requires special media to grow
  42. Legionella
    • Gram (-) rod
    • Respiratory tract
    • Fastidious
    • Grows best in BYCE agar
  43. What are the Gram (-) rod Zoonses
    • Pasterella
    • Brucella
    • Francisella
    • Bartonella
  44. Pasturella is often transferred to humans via
    Dog/Cat bite
  45. Francisella requires what to grow
  46. What are the coccobaccillary bacteria mentioned so far
    • Pasturella
    • Francisella
    • Moraxella
    • Acinetobacter
  47. What bacteria are pleomorphic
    • Brucella
    • Bartonella
    • Mycoplasma
    • Haemophilus
  48. What are the classes that stain poorly
    • Spirochetes
    • Obligate intracellular
    • Mycobacteria
    • Mycoplasma
  49. What are the primary characteristics of Spirochetes
    • Helical shape
    • Endoflagella
    • Stain poorly but have gram (-) cell wall
  50. Treponema
    • Spirochete
    • Has never been cultured
    • Causes Syphilis and others
    • Poor ability to stain
  51. Borrelia
    • Spirochete
    • Stains poorly
    • Anthropod borne
    • Lyme disease
    • (Anthropods borr into the skin)
  52. Chlamydia
    • Obligate (live in eukaryotes)
    • Cannot make their own ATP
    • Stain poorly
  53. Rickettsia
    • Obligate intracellular
    • Arthropod borne
  54. What bacteria infect Leukocytes
    • Ehrlichia
    • Anaplasma (Arthropod borne)
  55. Coxiella
    • Obligate intracellular
    • Stains poorly
    • Zoonoses
  56. What are the arthropod borne organisms
    • Borrelia
    • Rickettsia
    • Anaplasma
  57. Mycobacteria
    • Small rods that stain poorly
    • Cell wall contains mycolic acid
    • Acid fast stain
    • Resistant to drying, chemicals, germicides
    • Tuberculosis
  58. Mycoplasma
    • Stains poorly
    • Lacks cell wall
    • Pleomorphic
    • Sensitive to environmental conditions
    • Require sterols for growth
    • Found in mucous membranes
  59. What are the acid fast bacteria discussed so far
    • Mycobacteria
    • Nocardia
  60. Staphylococci appear how in a microscope
    Grape like clusters
  61. Streptococci appear how in a microscope
    Pairs or chains
  62. Enterococci appear how in a microscope
    Pairs or chains
  63. What bacteria test (+) for Urease
    • Proteus
    • Helicobacter
  64. What bacteria test (+) for Oxidase
    • Neisseria
    • Campylobacter
    • Vibrio
    • Pseudomonas
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Major Bacterial Genera S3M1