Phleb. Chapt.1

  1. types of tourniquets?
    latex, nitrile, velcro, penrose tubing, BP cuff
  2. what is an antispetic?
    bateriostatic. used on living skin. moves bacteria. ex: PVP iodine/Betadine, isoprophl alcohol, chlorhexidine gluconate, benzalkonium chloride.
  3. what is a disinfectant?
    bacteriocidal. used to clean inanimate objects; kills bacteria. ex: chlorox, sani-wipes, routine household cleaners (windex, etc.)
  4. needle features?
    point, bevel, shaft (gauge of lumen vs. length), hub
  5. how do you measure a needle?
    gauge x inches

    ex: 22g x 1"

    *remember: the smaller the gauge number, the bigger the lumen.
  6. needle adapters?
    • used for single-sample needles
    • - transfer device
  7. what does whole blood consist of?
    formed elements (WBCs, RBCs, platelets), plasma, hormones, chemical components
  8. what is serum?
    the liquid/fluid portion of blood after centrifusing; does not contain clotting proteins.
  9. what is plasma?
    the fluid portion of blood before clotting; contains clotting proteins.
  10. what are the main tube additives?
    anticoagulants, clot activators (coagulants), thixotrophic gel (seperator in tubes)
    • -blood cultures
    • -sterile red
    • -Na Citrate
    • -Thrombin red
    • -Na Heparin/Lithium Heparin
    • -EDTA
    • -Potassium Oxalate
    • -any others
  12. needle disposal containers?
    • must be:
    • - closable/sealable
    • - puncture resistant
    • - leak proof
    • - labled correctly
  13. accreditation:
    official approval of a program from a professional organization
  14. certification:
    verification that an individual has demonstrated proficiency in a particular area of practice
  15. continuing education units(CEU's):
    credits for participation in a continuing education program
  16. informed consent:
    consent to a procedure with full understanding of the risks and the right to refuse to undergo the procedure
  17. phlebotomy:
    the practice of drawing blood
  18. standards:
    established requirements used in an accredited program
  19. ACA:
    American Certification Agency for Healthcare Professionals
  20. AMT:
    American Medical Technologies
  21. ASCLS:
    American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science
  22. ASCP:
    American Society of Phlebotomy Technincians
  23. CEU's:
    continuing education units
  24. CPT:
    certified phlebotomy technician
  25. HIPAA:
    Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act
  26. NAACLS:
    National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences
  27. NHA:
    National Healthcareer Association
  28. NPA:
    National Phlebotomy Association
  29. PBT:
    Phlebotomy Technician
  30. RPT:
    registered phlebotomy technician
  31. list two important legal issues in healthcare and discuss them:
    • 1. HIPAA- patient confidentiality
    • 2. informed consent- verbal, written or implied
  32. Characteristics a phlebotomist must exhibit?
    honesty, empathy & compassion, professional detachment, positive attitude, calmness, etc.
  33. examples of a dept. in the clinical lab setting?
    microbiology, hemotolgy, immunology/serology, chemistry
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Phleb. Chapt.1
Chapter 1 key words, etc.