- Afferent
- Efferent
- Somatic
- Autonomic
- Sympathetic
- Parasympathetic
- 12 pairs of cranial nerves
- 31 pairs of spinal nerves
- Sensory system
- From receptors in periphery to CNS
- Motor system
- From CNS to effectors in periphery
- Made up of Somatic & Autonomic
From CNS to Skeletal muscles
- From CNS to smooth & cardiac muscles & glands
- Made up of Sympathetic & Parasympathetic
- Supplies viscera, glands, & smooth muscle of blood vessels and skin
- Cell bodies located in CNs
- CN 3,7,10 and spinal nerves S 2,3,4
- Thoracolumbar
- Formed by T1-L2 and L3 contributing fibers
- Preganglionic myelinated fibers from spinal cord enter white rami of sympathetic trunk then go through 1 of 3 paths
3 paths of fibers from spinal cord to sympathetic system
- 1) Synapse: postganglionic sympathetic fibers leave through grey rami
- 2) Go up chain and synapse at different level: superior, middle, and inferior cervical ganglion
- 3) Goes through sympathetic trunk without synapsing: synapses with other ganglia outside the chain
- a) T5-T9 greater splanchnic (celiac ganglion)
- b) T10-T11 lesser splanchnic (superior messenteric ganglion)
- c) T12 lowest splanchnic (aortico-renal ganglion)
- d) L1-L2 lumbar splanchnics (inferior mesenteric ganglion)
Cranial Nerves
- 12 pairs
- "On Old Olympus's Towering Tops A Friendly Viking Grew Vines And Hops"
- CN1: Olfactory
- CN2: Optic
- CN3: Oculomotor
- CN4: Trochlear
- CN5: Trigeminal
- CN6: Abducent
- CN7: Facial
- CN8: Vestibulocochlear
- CN9: Glossopharyngeal
- CN10: Vagus
- CN11: Accessory
- CN12: Hypoglossal
31 spinal nerves
- All spinal nerves have both sensory and motor fibers except Cn1 which has only motor fibers
- 8 cervical = Cn1-8
- 12 thoracic= Tn 1-12
- 5 lumbar= Ln 1-5
- 5 sacral= Sn 1-5
- 1 coccygeal= Con 1
Spinal & Cranial nerves and the autonomic nervous system
- parasympathetic: CN 3,7,9,10 and spinal nerves 2,3,4
- sympathetic: Tn1-Ln2
Cranial nerves and information path
- CN1: sensory
- CN2: sensory
- CN3: motor
- CN5: mixed
- CN11: motor
- CN12: motor
Dorsal Root
Sensory fibers
Ventral Root
Motor fibers
Dorsal Ramus
Sensory and motor fibers
Ventral Ramus
Sensory and motor fibers
Root value of a nerve
- spinal nerves contributing to that nerve's formation
- EX: Sciatic nerve= Ln4, Ln5, Sn1, Sn2, Sn3
- EX: Phrenic nerve= Cn3, Cn4, Cn5