Anat 312 - Lecture 1

  1. the seven divisions of the CNS
    • cerebral hemispheres
    • diencephalon
    • midbrain
    • pons
    • medulla
    • cerebellum
    • spinal cord
  2. Telencephalon
    • 2 cerebral hemispheres separated by the sagital fissure
    • transverse fissure - separates cerebellum
    • lateral sulcus - parietal from temporal lobe
    • central sulcus (pre and post central gyri) for motor and sensory functions (sortex)]
    • parietooccipital slucus (separates parietal from occipital)
    • pre occipital notch (sepraates...
    • calcarine sulcus
    • cingulate sulcus
    • basal ganglia (caudate nucleaus, lentiform nucleus)
    • amygdala (on tip of caudate)
  3. white and grey matter
    • grey matter- found in outer cortex and is neuronal cell bodies (gyri create more area for grey matter)
    • white matter- mylenated axons which carry and communicate signals
    • association fibres (short-communicate within a hemisphere, long- communicate between lobes)
    • commisural fibres (corpus callosum genu long body and splenium connect the 2 hemispheres together)
    • projection fibres (connetc the telencephalon with lowere cns structures (they run vertically)
  4. Diencephalon
    • thalamus
    • hypothalamus - connects with the pituitary gland
    • epithalamus - connects with the pineal gland
    • subthalamus
  5. brain stem
    • midbrain -
    • pons - connected in front of the cerebellum (made from same embryonic tissue but has a unique function)
    • medulla - foramen magnum separates from the spinal cord (pyramids and olives)
  6. cerebellum
    made from same embryonic tissue as the pons
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Anat 312 - Lecture 1
general organization of the CNS