
  1. The failure to achieve a successful pregnancy after 12 months of more or regular unprotected intercourse.
  2. Used to decribe a couple having difficulty conceiving because both partners have reduced fertility.
  3. Couples who have been unable to conceive after on or more successful pregnancies. The medical causes are similiar to those of infertility in general.
    Secondary infertility
  4. basic test of ovulatory function, aids in identifying follicular and luteal pahse abnormalities.
    Basal body temperature (BBT)
  5. Hormonal assessment of ovulatory function:
    • 1. Gonadrotropin levels (FSH,LH)
    • 2. Progesterone assays
    • 3. prolactin
    • 4. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
    • 5. Androgen levels (testosterone, DHEAS, androstenedione)
  6. Provides information about the effects of progesterone produced by the corpus luteum after ovulation and endometrial recetivity. reliable for determining the presence of ovulation. Not effective for diagnosing luteal phase deficiency
    Endometrial Biopsy (EMB)
  7. Method of choice for follicular monitoring of women undergoing ovulation induction cyscles, for timing ovulation for insemination and intercourse, for retriveing oocytes for in vitro fertilization and for monitoring early pregnancy.
    Transvaginal ultrasound
  8. The mucus elasticity at ovulation

    ***the muscus increased to at least 5 cmin length and the viscus can be stretched 8-10 cm
  9. First line therapy to induce ovulation if the woman has normal ovaries, a normal prolactin level and an intact pituitary gland.
    Clompipphene citrate (Clomid, Serophene)
  10. Increases as ovulation approaches, caused by decreased levels of salt and water interacting with the glycoprotiens in the musus druing the ovulatory period
    Ferning capacity
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