bio test 1

  1. Carbohydrates?
    polymers made of monomers called monosaccharides ("one sugar").
  2. Small polymers?
    Oligosaccharides "few sugar"
  3. Large polymers?
    Polysaccharides "many sugars"
  4. two most common monosaccharides?
    Glucose and Fructose.
  5. Polysaccharides are formed when monosaccharides are linked together via.
    Glycosidic linkage
  6. the simplest polysaccharides consist of two sugars and are called?
  7. a Hydroxyl group of a sugar is?
  8. Most common disaccharide?
    • Sucrose.
    • Made from two monomers (1 glucose and 1 fructose)
  9. Major Polysaccharides?
    • starch
    • glycogen
    • cellulose
    • chitin
    • peptidoglycan
  10. starch?
    • found only in plants
    • used for stored energy
    • consist entirely of a-glucose monomers
  11. Glycogen?
    • found only in animals
    • used for stored energy (in liver and muscles)
    • consists entirely of a-glucose monomers
  12. Cellulose?
    • found only in plants.
    • major component of the cell wall.
    • consist entirely of beta-glucose monomers linked in parallel strands.
  13. Chitin?
    • found in the cell walls of fungi and the external skeleton of insects.
    • consist entirely of N-acetylglucosamine (Nac) monomers in parallel strands
  14. Peptidoglycan
    • found only in bacteria
    • major component in the cell wall
    • consists of two different monosaccharides
  15. what do carbohydrates do?
    • Building blocks
    • provide structure
    • provide cell identity
    • store chemical energy
  16. carbohydrate Building blocks?
    they are the building blocks for other molecules like DNA and RNA.
  17. corbohydrates providing structure?
    • give strength and elasticity
    • like cellulose in plant cell walls
    • like chitin in a insects exoskeleton
    • like peptidoglycan in bacterial cell walls
  18. carbohydrates provide cell identity?
    Glycoproteins (a protein + a oligosaccharide) project outward from the cell to produce cell to cell recognition and signaling.
  19. Carbohydrates store and provide chemical energy?
    the energy of photosynthesis is stored in the form of potential energy of the position of the shared electrons.
Card Set
bio test 1
Test 1