Cranial Nerves Sensory/Motor Both
- Some(on) O olfactory: smell
- Say(old) O optic:
sight - Marry(olympus) O oculomotor:
Motor-eye movement contraction of iris/parasympathetic- smooth muscles of eye socket - Money(Tiny) T trochlear: eye movement
- But(tops) T trigeminal: s eye,forehead,face m chewing
- My(a) A abducens: eye movement
- Brother(finn)F facial: m cheek muscles,muscles of expression s taste anterior 2/3 of tongue
- Says(and) A acoutstic: balance hearing
- Big(German) G glossopharyngeal: s pharynx posterior tongue m swallowing
- Boobs(viewed) V vagus nerve: s viscera chest and m larynx para ht,lungs
- Make(some) S spinal: movement of neck muscles
- Money(hops) H Hypoglossal: movement of tongue
S/S of MI (myocardial infarction)
- D- dyspnea
- A-anxiety
- N- nausea/vomiting
- C-crushing substernal chestpain
- E- elevated Temperature
- P-pallor
- A-arrythmias
- D-diaphoresis
- I like Nursery Rhymes
- 2-3 year olds like nursery rhymes
Grave's disease test
pal toughen up you have graves disease PTU
blood components
- P- plasma
- L- leukocytes
- A- AB antigens
- T- thrombocytes
- E- erythrocytes
How to deal with depresseive pt
- C- consult with the staff
- O- observe the suicidal pt
- M- maintain personal contact
- P- provide a safe environment
- A- assess for clues to suicide
- R- remove dangerous objects
- E- encourages expression of feelings
how to assess a postpartum pt
- B- breast
- U- uterus
- B- bowels
- B- bonding
- L- lochia
- E- episiotomy
- C-close angle glaucoma
- H- halo vision
- O- open angle glaucoma
- P- peripheral vision loss/ tunnel vision
UTI look for
- F- frequent urge to void
- U- urine that is foul smelling and cloudy
- L- low grade fever
- L- lethargy
cyanotic heart defect look for
- C-cyanosis especially increasing in crying
- C- crabbiness or irritability
- C- clubbing of digits
- C- crouching or squating, which increase systemic venous return, shunt blood from extremities to the head and trunkand decrease cyanosis
assessment for hypocalcemia
- C- convulsion
- A- arythmias
- T-tetany
- S- spasm and stridor
- S- skin flushed (fever)
- A-agitation
- L- low grade fever
- T- thirst
- also
- F- fever flushed skin
- R- restless irritable
- I- increased fluid retention, increased BP
- E- edema
- D- deacreased urinary output
- S- stupor/coma
- A- anorexia, irritable
- L- lethargy
- T- tendon reflex decreased
- also
- L- limp muscle (weakness)
- O- orthostatic hypotension
- S-seizure/ headache
- S- stomach cramping
- M- medication (ace inhibitors, NSAIDS)
- A- acidosis (medibolic respiratory)
- C- cellular destruction (burns,traumantic injury)
- H-hypoaldosteron, hemolysis
- I- intake excessive
- N- nephrons, renal failure
- E- excretion impaired
Magnesium sulfate song
- decreased BP
- decreased peepee
- these are toxic signs of mag sulfate
- patellar reflex there aint
- give antidote calcium gluconate!
Antidotes heparin warfarin
- in Heaven, there is Peace ( heparin- protamine sulfate)
- in War, there is Killing ( warfarin - vit K)
S/s of child with cancer
- C- continured unexplained wt loss
- H- headaches, often with vomiting at night or early morning
- I- increase swelling persistent pain in bones joints back and legs
- L- lump or mass (abd, neck chest, pelvic, armpit)
- D- dev of excessive bruising bleeding or rash
- C- constant infxn
- A- a whtish color behind the pupil
- N-nausea with persist or vomiting w/o nausea
- C- constant riredness or noticeable palenes
- E- eye or vision changes
- R- recurrent fever of unknown origin
- D- dry skin & mucous membrane
- E- eyeball/fontannel sunken
- H- hypotension
- Y- you feel coolness/ mottling of extremities
- R- response to stimuli/ LOC changes
- A- absence of tears
- T- tachycardia
- I- increase urine specific gravity
- O- oliguria
- N- no/ loss skin turgor and elasticity
F- female , forty, fat, fried foods
Antiarrhythmias drugs
- Class IA
- Procainamide- professor
- Quindine - quackers
- Disopyramide- dissed/ dismiss
- Class IB
- Lidocaine- lydia's
- Phenytoin - Penny
- Mexiletine - mexican
- Tocainide- tacos
- Class IC
- Flecainide - feeling
- Propafenone- profaned
- Class II
- Propanolol - proper
- Beta blockers - bertha butt
- Class III
- Amiodarone - amiable
- Bretylium - british
- Solatol - socialite
- Class IV
- Verapamil- virtually
- Diltiazem- dismembered 'im
Postpartum complication
- M- mastitis
- S- subinvolution
- P- pulmonary embolism
- I- infection
- T- thrombophlebitits
- C- cystitis
- H- hematoma
assessment for mastitis
- S- swelling
- P- pain
- E- elevated temperature
- C- complain of flu like symptoms
- I- infxn
- A- and
- L- localized heat
cardio selective drugs
A- acebutolol
- B- betaxolol
- E- esmolol
- A- atenolol
- M- metroprolol
beta receptor activity
1-heart 2 lungs
- beta 1- primarily on heart
- beta 2- airway receptors
Spinal meds
Little Boys Prefer toys
Lidocaine, Bupivivaine, Procaine, Tetracaine
Hypertension recommendations for
- H- health education
- Y- your diet and excercise (low caloric & low fat)
- P- pressure monitoring
- E- exercise
- R- rest and relaxation
- T- take medication
- E- eliminate salt
- N- no smoking
- S- stress reducing technique
- I- inhibit coffee & stimulants
- O - observe for complications
- N- never forget to take medication
Nursing focus pneumonia
- P- position for comfort
- N- nutritional support
- E- ensure proper sputum disposal
- U- use isolation technique
- M- many culutres
- O- omit going to public places
- N- no smoking
- I- inverse oral fluids
- A- antibiotics
Case management for myasthenia gravis
- G- go check muscle strength
- R- respiratory monitoring
- A- antichoinesterase drugs
- V- ventilatory support
- I- instruct to avoid sress
- S- see for crisis
- A.) myasthenic crisis
- B.) cholinergic crisis
- C.) brittle crisis
Nursing considerations for renal failure
- K- keeping fluid balance
- I- inspecting the skin for pruritus
- D- dietary instructions
- N- no to acidosis
- E- electrolyte imbalance maintainance
- Y- your blood counts
acute pancreatitis causes
- G- gallstone
- E- ethanol
- T- trauma
- S- steroid
- M- mumps
- A-autoimmune
- S-scorpion sting
- H- hyperlipidemia/hypercalcemia
- E- ercp
- D- drugs ( azathioprine, diuretics)
Bilirubin causes for increased levels
- H- hemolysis
- O-obstruction
- T- tumor
- Liver disease
Pylori tx regimen
- T- tetracycline
- O- omeprazole
- M- metronidazole
- B- bismuth
symptoms of hyperthyroidism
- S- sweating
- T- tremors/tachycardia
- I- intolerance to hear
- N- nervousness
- G- goiter and gastrointestinal ( loose stool/ diarrhea)
5 T's for early cyanosis
- tetralogy
- transposition
- truncus
- total anomalous
- triscuspid atesia
side effects of steroids
- Sick- easier tog get sick
- Sad- causes depression
- Sex- increases libido
- Salt- retains more and causes weight gain
- Sugar- raises blood sugar
Immediate tx for MI
- M- morphine sulfate
- O- oxygen
- N- nitroglycerin
- A- ASA
Tx for CHF
- U- sit upright
- N- nitro
- L-lasix
- O- oxygen
- A- aminophylline
- D- digoxin
- F- fluids - decrease
- A- afterload- decrease
- S- sodium decrease
- T- tests dig level, ABG K+
Assistive devices how to use cane
- C- cane
- O- opposite
- A- affected
- L- leg
Signs of cholingeric crisis
- S- salvation
- L- lacrimation
- U- urination
- D- defecation
Fetal accerelerations and decelerations
- V- variable C- cord compression
- E- early H- head compression
- A- acceralations O- ok
- L- late P- placental insufficiency