Nonfiction Multiple-Choice Test

  1. absolute
    a term applied to anything that cannot be modified, qualified, or limited
  2. abstract language
    language describing ideas and qualitites rahter than observable or sp[ecific things, people or places.
  3. acerbic
    acid in temper, mood, or tone
  4. adjective
    words that describe nouns or pronouns telling which one, what kind, and how many
  5. adverb
    a word typicaly serving as a modifier of a verb, an adjective, another ver, a preposition, a phrase, a clause, or a sentence, expressing some relation of manner or quality, place, time, degree, number, cause, opposition, affirmation, or denial, and in English also serving to connect and to express comment on clause content
  6. alliteration
    the purposeful repetition of initial consonant sounds
  7. allusion
    a reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or work of art
  8. analogy
    an explanation based upon a comparison that explains or describes one subject by pointing out its similarities to another subject
  9. anaphora
    one of the devices of repetition in which the same expression (word or words) is repeated for effect at the beginnning of two or more lines, clauses, or sentences
  10. anecdote
    a short, often autobiographical narrative told to achieve a purpose such as to provide an example, illustration, or thematic truth
  11. antecedent
    the word preceding a pronoun to which it refers
  12. antithesis
    a direct contrast of structurally parallel word groupings, generally for the purpose of contrast
  13. aphorism
    a statement of some general principle, expressed memorable by condensing much wisdom into few words
  14. apostrophe
    a figure of speech in which a speaker directly addresses an inanimate object or an absent person or a personified quality
  15. attitude
    the author's feelings toward a subject that is revealed by tone
  16. avarice
  17. chiasmus
    parallel structure in inverted/ mirror form- two corresponding pairs arranged not in parallels
  18. conceit
    an elaborate, complex metaphor or simile comparing two extremely dissimilar things
  19. circular reasoning
    a form of fallacy also called begging the question where the argument may well be sound but the mistake it makes is that the argument merely assumes what it is trying to prove.
  20. concrete example
    characterized by or beloning to immediate experience of actual things or events that are specific, particular, real, tangible
  21. cumulative sentence
    loose sentence, this sentence makes complete sense if brought to a close before its actual ending. a cummulative or losse sentence begins with the main ideas and then expands on that idea with a series of details or other particulars
  22. cynicism
    having or showing the attitude of being contemptuously distrustful of human nature and motives reflecting a belief that human conduct is motivated primarily by self-interest
  23. deductive reasoning
    the deriving of a conclusion by reasoning; inference in which the conclusion about particulars follows necessarily from general or universal premises
  24. detached
    exhibiting an aloof objectivity usually free from prejudice or self-interest
  25. didactic
    a term used to describe fiction or nonfiction that teaches a specific lesson or moral or provides a model of correct behavior or thinking. a tone intended to instruct or moralize
  26. elevated language
    being morally or entellectually on a high plane
  27. ellipsis
    the deliberate omission of a word or words implied by the context and by the parallel structure
  28. fanciful
    marked by unrestrained imagination rahter than by reason and experience
  29. hyperbole
    a deliberate exaggeration or overstatement
  30. imagery
    the descriptive or figurative language used in literarture to appeal to one or more of the five senses
  31. indict
    to charge with a fault, offense, or crime
  32. inductive reasoning
    inference of a generalized conclusion from particular instances
  33. jocular
    jesting, playful, jolly
  34. losse sentence
    same as cumulative
  35. metaphor
    a figure of speech in which one thing is spoken of as though it were something else
  36. metaphysical
    of or relating to the transcendant or to a reality beyond what is perceptible to the senses
  37. metonymy
    figure of speech in which the name of one object is substituted for that of another closely associated with it
  38. mock epic
    a narrative poem that parodies the epic form and is usually used for satire
  39. objective
    independent of individual bias or subjectivity; opposite of subjective
  40. oxymoron
    a two-word fivure of speech that combines two opposing or contradictory ideas
  41. parable
    short fictitious story that illustrates a moral attitude or a religious principle
  42. paradox
    an assertion seemingly opposed to common sense, but that may have some truth in it
  43. parallelism
    the repetition of a grammatical structure
  44. periodic sentence
    sentence that places the main idea or central complete thought at the end of the sentence, after all introductory elements. effect is a kind of suspense, as the reader's attention is more propelled toward the end
  45. personification
    figurative language in whicha non-human subject is given human characteristics
  46. pun
    a play on words based on different meanings of words that sound alike
  47. poselytize
    to recruit or convert especially to a new faith, institution or cause
  48. prudence
    sagacity or shrewdness in the management of affairs
  49. qualifier
    a word (such as usally, almost, often) or word group that limits or modifies the meaning of another word or word group
  50. simile
    figure of speech in which like or as is used to make a comparison between tow basically unlike subjects
  51. subjective
    modified or affected by personal views, experience, or background; opposite of objective
  52. subjunctive mood
    expressed by verb froms (plural) that represent a state not as fact but as contingent or possible such as with doubt or desire
  53. surreal
    havint the intense irrational reality of a dream
  54. syllepsis
    construction in which one word seems to be in the same grammatical relation to two or more words but, in fact, is not
  55. syllogism
    deductive reasoning consisting of a major premise, minore premise, and a conclusion
  56. synechdoche
    a from of metaphor in which a part of something is used to stand for hte whole thing
  57. syesthesia
    the concurrent response of two or more of the senses to the stimulation of one
  58. tautology
    unnecessary repetition of words
  59. verbal
    word that combines characteristics of a verb with those of a noun or adjective
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Nonfiction Multiple-Choice Test