Main Condenser Vacuum Setpoints and Protective Action?
- 22.3" Hg - Rx Scram
- 20" - Turbine Trip (286T)
- 9.2" - Bypass Valve Closure
What is the Power Supply for the RWM?
What is the effect on the RWM for a loss of RMCS?
What is the effect on the RWM for a loss of RPIS?
- Y-70
- A loss of RMCS OR RPIS will result in a rod withdraw and insert block.
What are all of the possible power supplies to Y-70?
Y-70 receives power from Y-71 (13 Battery UPS), which is powered from DIV I 250 VDC (Battery 13) and chargers D-52, 53 and 54 from MCC-134.
The main fw block valves (MO-1133 and 1134) are located upstream/downstream of the main feed reg valves?
Located immediately prior to (upstream) of the FRV's
What are the starting interlocks for a RFP?
- 1) Lube oil pressure >4 psig.
- 2) FW-98-1 (11 RFP) or FW-98-2 (12 RFP) fully open
- 3) Reactor water level <+48” (Breaker will close but instantaneously open unless the high Reactor water level trip bypass switch is in BYPASS.)
- 4) Suction pressure >70 psig is not a true start interlock. The pump will start but will trip 10/15 sec later.
What would automatically initiate the SBGT system?
- RBV Plenum (1 up/2 down) 26 mr/hr
- FP Rad (1 up/2 down) 50 mr/hr
- DW press 1.84#
- Low-Low Level
When will the STANDBY SBGT initiate?
<2800 CFM for 10 secs on operating SBGT unit.
What is the function of V-EF-18A and B (Stack Dilution Fans) during SBGT operation? Power supply?
- Augments SBGTs air flow to support adequate SBGTs flow and discharge exit velocity requirements from the top of the off-gas stack during accident conditions.
- Powered from MCC-133A and 143A
During rounds in the control room, you notice that HS-2988A/B (SBGT mode selector) are in different positions. A is in "1" and B is in "2". What does this mean to you?
- 1 is the manual position - will not start automatically - inop
- 2 is the auto position - will auto start.
The plant is operating at rated conditions when flow on V-EF-40A reaches 400 SCFM. What will occur?
Where does V-EF-40 receive its air from?
- Will swap to V-EF-40B at 600 scfm.
- Air is supplied from outside or from V-EAC-14A/B
What provides cooling to CRV/EFT?
ESW 13 and 14.
CRV/EFT initiation signals
- RBV Plenum Hi rad
- FP Hi rad
- DW press 1.84#
- Lo-Lo level
- 1 mr/hr @ inlet of HPCI battery room
What equipment is load shed with an ECCS signal present and plant loads being supplied from 1AR?
- CRD Pumps
- RHRSW pumps
- 15 Air Compressor
- 12 SW pump
- DW cooling fans
- FPCC pumps
- RBCCW pumps
What are all of the possible power supplies for Y-20?
- MCC-143 (Norm)
- MCC-133 (Alt)
- Y-21 is the ATS which auto xfers and must be manually reset.
The plant was operating at normal rated conditions when a lockout of bus 15 occurred. What is the status of the 11 and 12 EDG and what is the status of the swing bus?
Both 11 and 12 EDGs will start and the swing bus will automatically shift to division 2 after 12 seconds.
The plant is at normal rated conditions with 345KV breaker 8N11 open. A fault occurs on the 345 KV bus 2 resulting in a lockout. What is the status of off-site power to the plant?
The 2R transformer remains energized however, the 1AR transformer would be de-energized due to the fault (including 10 bank). 1R would still be operable.
The plant is operating at normal rated conditions when a transient occurs resulting in DW pressure of 1.84#s. Which loads are shed at this point?
Which loads would be shed had we been operatin on the 11 and 12 EDG?
- ECCS Signal Only:
- DW Vent Fans
- DW Vent Fans
- FPCC Pumps
- RBCCW Pumps
- CRD Pumps
- 15 Air Compressor
- 12 SW Pump
When the SRMs are fully INSERTED, where are they located with respect to the core? When withdrawn?
- 2' above centerline when inserted
- 2' below the core when withdrawn
With respect to the SRM detectors, what characteristics do they possess that make them more sensitive than IRM or PRNM detectors? How are gamma's "filtered" from the signal?
- Argon gas filled titanium ion chamber pressurized to 14 ATMs (213 psia)
- 90% enriched U3O8
- +350 VDC polarization voltage in inner electrode
- Gamma pulses are smaller than neutron pulses – gamma pulses filtered out using discriminator circuitry.
Where is the SRM drive motor powered from? Drive Logic? SRM detector voltage?
- Motor power from L-38 via MCC-133
- Y-20
- D-15 and D-25 (24 VDC Battery)
What items will result in an SRM INOP? What is the result of an SRM INOP?
- Low detector voltage
- SRM Module unplugged
- SRM Mode switch not in OPERATE
- Loss of 24 VDC power supply
- Results in a Rod block - if shorting links installed, SCRAM if shorting links removed.
Which SRM functions are bypassed when the IRMs are > Range 3? Range 8?
- Range 3 -
- Detector Retracted (<100 CPS) Rod Block Bypassed
- SRM Downscale (<5 CPS) Rod Block Bypassed
- Range 8 -
- SRM INOP Rod Block Bypassed
- SRM HI (1 x 105) Rod Block is Bypassed
A plant disturbance occurred from normal full power operation requiring operators to operate from the ASDS panel. After the operators arrive at the ASDS panel, they take the MASTER ASDS TRANSFER SWITCH to TRANSFER. What loads are load shed at this point?
None. The ASDS Load Shed (Div II of the EBT load shed) are only shed when both the MASTER switch AND the No. 12 DIESEL GEN TRANSFER SWITCH are placed in TRANSFER>
What is the Power Supply for the MVP?
The MVP will trip, suction valves (AO-1825A & AO-1825B) will isolate and the MVP seal pump will trip upon:
- 1) High main steam line radiation (one out of two twice trip logic) 6 R/hr
- 2) High drywell pressure (one out of two twice trip logic) 1.84#
- 3) Low Reactor water level (one out of two twice logic) -47"
- 4) One high or two downscale trips of the Reactor Building Exhaust Vent Plenum Radiation Monitors 26 mr/hr
- 5) One high or two downscale trips of the Fuel Pool Radiation Monitors. 50mr
Air operated valves AO-1085A(B), (Combined 2nd Stage Suction Valves) located on the common suction line to the second stage jets, will close on the following trip signals:
- 1) Off-gas Pretreatment Radiation Monitors after a 30-minute time delay. Alarms annunciator.
- 2) Low SJAE steam supply pressure sensed by the following pressure switches:
- a) PS-1177A and PS-1177B will isolate AO-1085A, alarms annunciator.
- b) PS-1178A and PS-1178B will isolate AO-1085B, alarms annunciator.
- 3) The isolation signal seals in and must be reset with a common trip reset pushbutton located on panel C252B.
- 4) A “Power Available” light is located on panel C252B to provide status of trip logic power.
What is the pump and valve sequence for CW pump start (from all off) and shutdown
- 1st Pump start
- Both condenser outlet valves go to 70% (intermediate high)
- The selected pump will start
- Pump discharge valves open after ~5 sec delay (~20 sec to full stroke)
- Start 2nd PumpPump starts (won’t start until 1st pump discharge valve is full open)
- After 5 seconds, both condenser and pump disch valves go full open
- Shutdown Sequence
- S/D 1st Pump
- Both condenser outlet valves go to 70% (intermediate high position)
- Pump discharge valve closes
- When discharge valve is full closed, the pump will stop
- S/D 2nd Pump
- Both condenser outlet valves go to 40% (intermediate low position)
- Pump discharge valve closes
- When discharge valve is full closed, the pump stops
- Both condenser outlet valves close
CW Pump Trips
- CW Pump Trips
- • 901’ 6” (120 sec) Lo Intake Level
- • 4.0’ CWP Pit Flood
- • 2’ 6” Condenser Pit Flood
- • Discharge Valve Closed
- • Electrical
- • 2R to 1R Transfer
- • CWP/CTP Sequential (Closed Cycle)
Maximum Average Daily Temperatures in the Discharge Canal:
- The maximum daily average temperature at the end of the Discharge Canal SHALL NOT exceed the following limiting temperatures:
- a) During the months of April through October 35° C (95° F)
- b) During the months of November and March 29.4° C (85° F)
- c) During the months of December through February 26.7° C (80° F)
Refueling Interlocks:
- Pick 2 and only 2:
- 1) Over the Core
- 2) Rod Out
- 3) Grapple NOT full up OR Grapple Loaded
What methods are available to determine that fuel is oriented properly in the core?
- • Channel fastener assemblies in center of cell
- • ID bosses point towards center of cell
- • Channel spacer buttons adjacent to each other
- • Bundle serial numbers readable from center of cell
- • Cell to cell symmetry