
  1. acabar
    to finish
  2. acompañar
    to accompany
  3. aconsejar
    to advise
  4. adivinar
    to guess
  5. agarrar
    to grab
  6. ahorrar
    to save
  7. alquilar
    to rent
  8. amar
    to love
  9. andar
    to go, walk
  10. apagar
    to turn off
  11. apreciar
    to appreciate
  12. arreglar
    to arrange, fix
  13. aumentar
    to increase
  14. averiguar
    to find out
  15. ayudar
    to help
  16. bailar
    to dance
  17. bajar
    to lower
  18. besar
    to kiss
  19. borrar
    to erase
  20. brincar
    to bounce
  21. bromear
    to tease
  22. buscar
    to look for
  23. cambiar
    to change
  24. caminar
    to walk
  25. cantar
    to sing
  26. cargar
    to charge
  27. charlar
    to chat
  28. chocar
    to crash
  29. cocinar
    to cook
  30. colocar
    to place
  31. comprar
    to buy
  32. contestar
    to answer
  33. contratar
    to hire
  34. cortar
    to cut
  35. cruzar
    to cross
  36. dejar
    to allow, leave
  37. descansar
    to rest
  38. desear
    to desire
  39. dibujar
    to draw
  40. disfrutar
    to enjoy
  41. doblar
    to turn, bend
  42. durar
    to last
  43. echar
    to throw
  44. empujar
    to push
  45. enseñar
    to show, teach
  46. entrar
    to enter
  47. entregar
    to turn in
  48. escuchar
    to listen
  49. estacionar
    to park
  50. estudiar
    to study
  51. evitar
    to avoid
  52. explicar
    to explain
  53. felicitar
    to congratulate
  54. firmar
    to sign
  55. fumar
    to smoke
  56. ganar
    to earn, win
  57. gastar
    to spend, waste
  58. gritar
    to shout
  59. hablar
    to speak
  60. invitar
    to invite
  61. jalar
    to pull
  62. lavar
    to wash
  63. limpiar
    to clean
  64. llamar
    to call
  65. llegar
    to arrive
  66. llenar
    to fill
  67. llevar
    to carry
  68. llorar
    to cry
  69. mandar
    to send
  70. manejar
    to drive
  71. marcar
    to dial, mark
  72. mirar
    to look
  73. nadar
    to swim
  74. necesitar
    to need
  75. ordenar
    to order
  76. pagar
    to pay
  77. parar
    to stop
  78. pasar
    to happen, pass
  79. pegar
    to hit
  80. pelear
    to fight
  81. pescar
    to fish
  82. pintar
    to paint
  83. practicar
    to practice
  84. preguntar
    to ask
  85. preparar
    to prepare
  86. presentar
    to introduce, present
  87. pronunciar
    to pronounce
  88. quitar
    to remove
  89. regresar
    to return
  90. repasar
    to review
  91. respirar
    to breathe
  92. rezar
    to pray
  93. sacar
    to take out
  94. saludar
    to greet
  95. secar
    to dry
  96. terminar
    to end
  97. tirar
    to throw
  98. tocar
    to play a musical instrument, touch
  99. tomar
    to drink, take
  100. trabajar
    to work
  101. tratar
    to try
  102. usar
    to use, wear
  103. viajar
    to travel
  104. visitar
    to visit
Card Set
Regular Spanish ar verbs