Philosophies of Science (6)

  1. Define Philosophies of Science
    • Study of science and scientific practice
    • Describe and understand how science works within wide range of sciences
  2. What are the 3 Philosophies of Science?
    • Rationalism - Received view
    • Empiricism - Received view
    • Human science / Phenomenology - Perceived view
  3. Define Received View
    • Learn by being told or receiving knowledge
    • Objective
    • Empiricism - science knowledge r/t experiments and evidence
    • Positivism - knowledge based on sensory experience & positive verification
    • Deductive reasoning
    • Validation and replication
    • Quantitative research
  4. Define Perceived View
    • What we learn from collectively lived experiences, interrelatedness, human interpretation, and learned reality
    • Subjective
    • Inductive reasoning
    • Constructivism - theory of knowledge arguing that humans generate knowledge and meaning from experience
    • Qualitative research
    • Multiple truths
  5. What is post-positivism?
    • Subjective inquiry
    • Objective study
    • Through Quantitative Research
    • Knowledge is conjectural - proposition unproven but appears to be true
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Philosophies of Science (6)
Philosophies of Science