Benson's Relaxation techniques
techniques that allow a patient to switch from the sympatheitc mode of the autonomic nervous system to a state of relaxation by focusing on a pleasnant mental image in a calm and peachful environment
technique for gaining conscious control over unconsicous body functions,to achieve relaxation or the relief of stress-related physical symptoms
Cognitive reframing
a process of changing the indivdual's perceptions of stress by reassessing a situation and replacing irrational beliefs
Coping styles
discrete personal attributes that people have and can develop to help manage stress
a negative, draining energy hat resluts in anxiety, depresion, confusion, helplessness, hopelessness, and fatigue
a postive typoe of stress that reflects a person's confidence in the ability to successfully master given demands or tasks
Fight-or-flight response
body's physiological response to fear or rage that triggers the SNS as well as the endocrine system
General adaptation syndrome (GAS)
- The body's organized response to stress, as elucidated b Hans Selye. 3 stages:
- 1. stage of alarm
- 2. stage of resistance
- 3. stage of exhaustion
Guided imagery
a process whereby a perswon is led to envision images that are both calming and health enhancing
keeping a diary which may be informal or part of a treatment plan of daily events, activities, and feelings
a discipine for training the mind to develop greater alm and then using that calm to bring penetrative insight into one's experience
a centuries-old form of meditation that emphasizes awareness of ourselves and our mental activity from moment to moment
physical stressors
Environmental and physical conditions that elicit the stress response
progressive muscle relaxation (PMR)
a method of decreasing anxiety in which the individual tenses groups of muscles as tightly as possible for 8 seconds and then suddenly releases them
study of the links among stress, the immune system and disease
psychological or physical stimuli that are incompatible with current functioning and require adaptation