Mental Health Ch 3

  1. Antagonists
    Drugs that block or depress the normal response of a specific recptor by only partly fitting the receptor site
  2. Antianxiety (anxiolytic) drugs
    drugs prescribed, usually on a short-term basis, to reduce anxiety
  3. Anticholinesterase Drugs
    drugs that prevent the destruction of acetylcholine within the parasympathetic nervous system. Increasing acetylcholine slow heart action, lowers blood pressure, increases secretion, and increases contraction of smooth muscles
  4. Atypical Antipsychotics
    Second-generation antipsychotics, which commonly interact with serotonin as well as dopamine receptors. They are considered the first line of tx for psychosis and have a low profile for EPS
  5. Circadian Rhythms
    24-hr bilogical rhythm that influcences specific regulartory functions such as the sleep/wake cycle, body temp, and hormonal and neurotransmitter secretions
  6. Conventional Antipsychotics
    First-generation antipsychotics that is a dopamine 2 receptor antagonism. Effective tx of positive symptoms but not negative and is known for EPS
  7. Hypnotic
    a classification of drugs used to promote sleep
  8. Limbic System
    the part of the brain that is related to emotions and is referred to by some as the "emotional brain."
  9. Lithium
    antimanic drug because it can stabilize the manic phase of a bipolar disorder.
  10. Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitory (MAOIs)
    inhibits monamine oxidase, an enzyme that breakds down amines such as serotonin and norepinephrin. A tyramine-free diet is necessary to prevent fatal interactions.
  11. Mood Stabilizer
    used to treat mood disorders; includes lithium and anticonvulsants
  12. Neurons
    specialized cells in the CNS
  13. Neurotransmitter
    chemical substance that functions as a neural messenger. They are released from the axon terminal of the presynapitic neruon when stimulated
  14. Pharmacodynamics
    physiological actions and effects of drugs in the body
  15. Pharmacokinetics
    physiological actions, effects, and responses of the body to drugs
  16. Receptors
    protein molecules located within or on the outer membrane of cells of various tissues
  17. Reticular Activating System (RAS)
    part of the brain stem that mediates alertness, arousal and motivations; serves to filter out repetitive stimuli to prevent overload
  18. Reuptake
    return of neruotransmitters to the presynapitc cell after communication with receptors on the postsynaptic cell
  19. SSRIs
    first-line antidepressants that block the reuptake of serotonin, permitting serotonin to act for an extended period at te synapic binding sites in the brain
  20. Synapse
    gap between the membrane of one neuron and themembrane of another neuron
  21. Therapeutic index
    ratio of the therapeutic dose of a drug and the toxic dose of a drug
  22. Tricyclic antidepressants
    drugs that inhibit the reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin by the presynapitc neurons in the CNS, increasing the amount of time norepinephrine and serotonin are available
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Mental Health Ch 3