Acute Joint Hypomobility Clincial Signs and Symptoms
- pain and muscle guarding limit motion,
- Pain frequently radiates below elbow and may distrub sleep
Subactue Joint Hypomobility Clinical Signs and Symptoms
- Capsular Tightness
- Limited motion in capsular pattern (primary complaint)
- Pain at the end of motion
- Limited arthokinematics
Chronic Joint Hypomobility Clinical Signs and Symptoms
- Progressive restriction of glenohumeral joint capsule
- significant loss of function
- Aching localized to deltoid region
- Pain referred to deltoid tuberosity
Common impairments with Joint Hypomobility
- Night pain and disturbed sleep
- Pain with motion and often at rest during actue flare
- Decreased joint play and ROM
- Postural compensations - Protracted and anteriorly tipped scapula, rounded shoulder and elevated and protected shoulder
- General Muscle Weakness and poor endurance in the glenohumeral muscles - overuse of the scapular muscles leading to paoin in the trapezius and posterior vervical muscles
Common Functional Limitations for Hypomoble Shoulders
- Inabilty to reach over head, behind head, out to the side and behind back
- Trouble dressing, reaching hand into back pocket, reaching out of car window, self grooming
- Difficulty lifting weighted objects
- Limited ability so sustain repetitive activities
Goals for the Max protection phase with Joint Hypomobility
- 1. Control pain, edema and muscle guarding
- 2. Maintain soft tisue and joint integrity and mobility
- 3. Maintain integrity and function of associated areas - Pt educations
- 4. Keep joints distal to injury site moble
Goals for the Controlled Motion phase with Hypomobility
- 1. Control Pain, edema and joint effusion
- 2. Progressively increase soft tissue and joint mobility
- 3. Correct faulty mechanics - Avoid compensation, reposition head of humerus caudally before proceeding with shoulder exercises
- 4. Progressively increase strength
Return to Function Goal with Joint Hypomobility
- Progressively increase flexibility and strength
- Progress stretching and strengthening as joint tissue tolerates
Frozen Shoulder
- Primary - idopathic in nature
- Secondary - develops as a result of trauma or inflammation
- the results stiffness can be due to soft tissue problems in the shoulder itseld or from an injury that is more distal
Typical Clinical Presentation of a Frozen Shoulder
- Passive ROM limitations in a capsular pattern
- severly restricted funcion
- Diabetic
- Tyroid
- can be bilateral - doesn't have to happen at the same time
Prognosis of a Frozen shoulder
- self-limiting condition in which the shoulder goes througth a cycle of "freezing", "Frozen", and "thawing"
- Duration of each phase varies from person to person
- Spontaneous reconvery occure within 1-3 yrs
Considerations for a Frozen shoulder
- Positioning - encourgae patients to avoid the adducted, internally roated shoulder positon
- Do not permit the Pts to wear slings unless necessary to protect a surgicnal repair
- Enougrage Pts to sleep in supine with a pollow under the affected arm in slighta abduction and in the plane of the scapula
Stage One of a Fronzen Shoulder
- Painful phase
- Goals - Pain control, maintain ROM
- Pain cauased by edema or bad mechanics
- PROM- within pain free range to minimize soft tissue inflammation (pullys or wands)
- Isometrics
Stage Two of a Frozen shoulder
- Stiff phase
- Goals - increase ROM, increase functional use
- AROM and PROM exercises
- Joint Mobs
- Strtching
- Strengthening
Stage Three of a Frozen Shoulder
- Goals - Increase end ROM and Increase Strength
- Strengthening - progressive with tubing and weights
- Should include: scapula and shouler musculature
Total Shoulder Surgery
- Subcapularis Tendon and anterior capsule are divided, other rotator cuff insertions on the greater tuberosity are presvered
- NO IR / ER or EXT
- Be careful for 6-8 wks
Important Rehab considerations for a Total Shoulder
- In the early weeks of recovery active internal roation and and passive ER are restricted
- Pts MUST wear their immobilizer to avoid ER - regaining ER can be a challenge
Total Shoulder Prognosis
- Good to excellent results occur in 90%
- Pt with OA usually progress more quickley than those with RA
- Post-op care will vary PT to PT and depend on a variety of factors
- The Average increase in shoulder flexion is 38 degrees and agerage of 124
- The average ER increase is 29 with a total of 46 (normal 90)
- Strength increases by one full grade ona manual muscle test to 4/5
- 82-94% of Pts have no pain
- 75 have no functional limitations
Total Shoulder Complications
- 14% of all cases
- Includes:
- INstability
- Rotator Cuff tear
- Intraoperative fracture
- Axillary nerve injury
- Loosening of Components
Total Shoulder Goals during Maximum protection phase
- Maintain mobity in adjacent joints (neck, scapula, elbow, hand) IR and ER with elbow flexed
- Regain shoulder mobility
- Minimize muscle atrophy - Isometrics
- Control Pain
Total Shouler Goals during Mobility Phase
- Re-establish mobility and control of shoulder motions - If
- Imporve strength, endurance and stability of the shoulder girdle
Total Shoulder During Max Protection What ROM is ok
- PROM of scapula
- Limited IR and ER with elbow flexed
- Position Pt lying supine with humerus slightly anterior to the midline of the body to avoid excessive stress to teh anterior capsule and sutrue line
Total Shoulder
How To re-establish mobility and control of shoulder motions
- If rotator cuff in intact can being 2-3 weeks post-op if cuff repair 6wks
- Transition from assisten to active ROM all planes and diagonal planes of motion
- Avoid combined ER and abduction becuase they are stressful to the repair
- Begin combining ER to neutral with forward flexion and scaption
Total Shoulder Return to function phase
- To be in this stage Pt must be Pain free ative shoulder ROM though functional range and 3-5 strength
- Being no earlier than 6 weeks post-op for intact rotator cuff
- Continue to improve mobility - Acitve or resistive ROM
- Concinue to improve strength, stability and endurance of the shoulder
Treatment Of Humeral Fracture
- Stabilized for at least 6wks
- Will be in an immobilizer
- Aggressive therapy is NOT performed until sufficient healing is confirmed by x-ray
Treatment During Immobilization of Humeral Fractures
- Use ice to decrease Pain
- Begin ROM exercises for elbow wrist and hand
- Train balance and gait
- Do not sue affected arm for ADls
Treatment of a Humeral Fractures as teh Freacture Stabilizes
- Discontinue the sling immobilization on MD orders
- Begin Active scapula exercises
- Debing active- assisted shoulder exercises
- Begin using arm for daily activites to tolerance
Treatment of a humeral fracture as the fracture heals
- Discontinue to functiona brace on MD orders
- Begin joint mobs and passive stretching
- Retrain proper scapulohumeral ryhthm and coordination
- usefull spectrum exercies to restroe strength and Rom
- emphasize functional activites
Humeral Head Fractures / Displaced fractures
- Displaced fracture of the surgical neck and head require surgery to stabilize them properly
- can be fixated witha variety of material
- presently no accepted fixation of choice
- Complication can include: avasular necrosis of humeral head - total shouler
- Subacromial impingment
- Never lesions
- Vasular Damange
Impportant Reatment Considerations for fractures
- PROM and stretching are contraindicated in the early stages of healing for humeral head fractures
- Clinican does know amount of stress put on the joint
- Scapula or elbow ROM and Strenght is ok
Humeral Head Fractures Postfracture 1-2wks
- Pt is generally in excruciating pain despite pain meds
- The arm is susallyy in a sling to immobilize it
- Pt requires assistance with basic ADLs
- Thearpy is limited at this time
- Balance and Gait Training
Humeral Head Fracture 3-6 wks
Exercise progression is dependend on the stability of the fracture frgments and varies greatly from Pt to Pt
What happens if a humeral head is Stable at 3-6wks
- Pt removes the sling 3-5 tiems a day fro gentle ROM exerciese sme ME's DC sling at this time
- Pendulum, AAROM elvenation activites, scapular motions, gentle isometrics
- Slow progression
- With MD approval can begin active GH motions in a very restricted range
Humeral Head Fracture 6-12wks
- AROM exercises progress in a pain-free range to the Pts tolerance
- When the humerus is completely healed at approx 8wks therapy become more aggrssive
- joint mob
- passive ROM
- Supervised pully work