Annual, climbing to prostrate, sometimes low and erect. Herbage adhesive by small, hooked prickles. Whorls of leaves 6-8
Galium aparine- Rubiaceae
Perennial, erect to straggling, variously glabrous, velvety, scabrous or hispid, hairs not hooked; Flower corollas red, pink or rarely yellow
Galium wrightii- Rubiaceae
Shrub, +/- erect, scabrous; Stem stout, brittle; Leaf whorls of 4, lanceolate to needle like, tip sharp to touch; Flowers whitish
Galium stellatum ssp. eremicum- Rubiaceae
Ann., decumbent and compact, 2-10cm, glandular or short pilose; lvs 3-5 linear lobes 5-11mm w/ mucronate tip; flws in terminal, bracteate clusters, open in both day and night
Linanthus demissus- Polemoniaceae
Ann., 4-10cm; st glandular; lves linear, entire 10-20mm, lves glabrous; flw 1-3 terminal or axillary, open only at night, subsessile
Linanthus jonesii- Polemoniaceae
Ann., glabrous, hairy or glandular; lvs lobed, linear, 3-6mm; flw on a thread-like peduncle; open day or night
Linanthus aureus- Polemoniaceae
Ann., dichotomously branching, glabrous; lves linear 1-3.5cm long; flw 1-3 terminal and axillary, sessile to subsessile; open only at night
- Linanthus bigelovii- Polemoniaceae
Ann., Fr. < 4mm, 1 row of seeds above mid-fr
Mentzelia affinis- Loasaceae
Per., compact, hemispheric growth form; fr. >4mm wide; grows on talus, rock outcroppings and canyon walls
Mentzelia oreophila- Loasaceae
Per.; fr. >4mm wide; open growth form w/ widely spaced flws; grows in sandy, gravelly areas
Mentzelia integra- Loasaceae
Per.; >4mm wide fr.; flw bracts green
Mentzelia tricuspis- Loasaceae
Per.; >4mm wide fr.; flw bracts white w/ green margins
Mentzelia involucrata- Loasaceae
Ann.; fr. < 4mm; St. hairy; flw bracts (ob)ovate gen. toothed, base whitish; fr. straight to < 70 deg.
Mentzelia veatchiana- Loasaceae
Ann.; fr. < 4mm; St. glabrous or hairy; flw bracts lanceolate to obovate, entire or toothed; fr. curved 90-180 deg
Mentzelia albicaulis- Loasaceae
Ann.; fr. < 4mm wide; flw bracts 0 or lanceolate entire; Seeds with flap-like fold at 1 end, angles rounded, surface rounded-papillate
Mentzelia nitens- Loasaceae
Ann.; fr. < 4mm wide; always has flw bracts triangular-ovate entire; seeds seed not folded at 1-end, angles acute, surface pointed-papillate
Mentzelia jonesii- Loasaceae
Delicate annual herb; lves basal
Nemacladus glanduliferus- Campanulaceae
Infl. 1 per node; Involucre, fr. hairy; Per.; Invol. +/- bell shaped; Seed 4-angled, smooth to +/- wrinkled; st. and lv. hairs short straight. *gland appendage maybe wider or narrower than gland*
Chamaesyce polycarpa- Euphorbiaceae
St segments cylindric to club-like w/ tubercles; Major spines distinctly flat w/ epidermal sheath separating only from tip; Largest spines with cross-rows of rough papillae; Ovary bristles stiff with reflexed barbes; Perianth yellow
Grusonia parishii- Cactaceae- Matted cholla
Sap milky; Leaves thistle-like, toothed and spiney; St w/ glandular hairs; Heads ligulate; Ligules all 5 lobed; clasping lv base rounded and curled
Sonchus asper- Asteraceae- Prickly sow thistle
Sap milky; Heads ligulate; Ligules all 5 lobed; Pappus of smooth bristles; Many flw / head; Corollas yellow; Clasping lv base rounded and curled
Sonchus oleraceus- Asteraceae- Common sow thistle
-Ann.; Involucre unribbed, stalked
-Leaves basal and glabrous to coarsely hairy or hairy in patches;
Sometimes stem is inflated below nodes;
-Inflorescence glabrous or glandular only at base or nodes
-Erect, thread-like pedicles
-Involucre teeth 4
-Flowers yellow
-Perianth densely and often coarsely hairy
Eriogonum trichopes- Polygonaceae- Little desert trumpet
-Ann.; Involucre unribbed, stalked
-Lvs mostly basal, round-cordate to round-reniform, +/- tomentose on both sides
-Perianth bases variablely lobed cordate, obtuse or truncate
-Perianth minutely hairy
Eriogonum thomasii- Polygonaceae- Thomas' buckwheat
Inflor. axes glandular; Invol. stalks reflexed
Eriogonum brachypodum- Polygonaceae- Parry's buckwheat
Involuc. stalks reflexed
Eriogonum cernuum- Polygonaceae- Nodding buckwheat
Invol. stalk absent, reflexed or rarely erect
Eriogonum deflexum var. deflexum- Polygonaceae- Flatcrown buckwheat
Stem inflated below nodes; Invol. stalks absent or erect;
Eriogonum inflatum- Polygonaceae- Desert trumpet
Lvs basal and cauline; Involuc. stalk erect;
Eriogonum maculatum- Polygonaceae- Spotted buckwheat
Ann.; Involuc. sessile; Perianth always yellow; Inflor. branches gen. curved inward
Eriogonum nidularium- Polygonaceae- Birdnest buckwheat