Soc 101 - pack 3

  1. ______ _____ (1868-1963) founded the second department of sociology in the U.S. at Atlantla University.
    W.E.B. Du Bois
  2. ____ ___ ____ was one of the first scholars to note that a dual heritage creates conflict people of color. He called this duality ______-___________-the identity conflict of being both black and American.
    • W.E.B. Du Bois
    • double consciencesness
  3. ___ ____ pointed out that even though people in America espouse such values as democracy, freedom and equality, they also accept racism and group discrimination.
    Du Bois
  4. ______- A set of logicaly interrelated statements that attempts to describe, explain, and occasionally predict social events.
  5. ___________ and overall approach to or viewpoint on some subject.
  6. The three major theoretical perspectives that are predominant in US sociology: __________, _______< and _________ ____________.
    • functionalist
    • conflict
    • symbolic interactionist
  7. Other perspective such as ______________ have emerged and gained acceptance among some social thinkers more recently.
  8. ___________ perspectives are based on the assumption that society is a stable, orderly system.
  9. Acording to the functionalist perspectives, society is a stable system that is characterized by _________ _________-where the majority of members share common beliefs, and behavioral expectations.
    societal consensus
  10. According to the __________ perspective, a society is composed of interrelated parts, each of which serves a function and ideally contributes to the overall stability of the society.
  11. ______ _______ stressed that all societies must provide for meeting social needs in order to survive.
    Talcott Parsons
  12. Functionalism was refined further by _____ _ _____, who distinguished between manifest and latent functions of social institutions.
    Robert K Merton
  13. _______ ______ are intended or overtly recognized by the participants in a social unit.
    Manifest functions
  14. _______ _______ are unintended functions that are hidden and remain unacknowledged by participants.
    Latent functions
  15. _________ are the undesirable consequences of any element of a society.
  16. _______ __________ - the sociological approach that views groups in society as engaged in a continuous power struggle for control of scarce resources.
    conflict perspectives
  17. ______ _____ & _____ contributed significantly to the _____ perpective by focusing on the inevitability of clashes between social groups.
    • Simmel
    • Mark
    • Weber
    • conflict
  18. _______ defined power as the the ability of a person within relationship to carry out his or her own will despite resistance from others.
  19. ______ defined _____ as a positive or negative social estimation of honor.
    • Weber
    • prestige
  20. According to _ ____ ___, the power elite are a small clique composed of top corporate, political, and military officials.
    C. Wright MIlls
  21. Within the conflict theory, the ____ ____ approach views the power struggle between the classes as inevitable and as a prime source of social change.
  22. A third branch of the conflict theory is the ______ approach which directs attention to womens experiencesand the importance of gender as an element of the social structure.
  23. The _______ approach is based on the belief that "women and men are equal and should be equally valued as well as have equal rights"
  24. According to feminist theorists we live in a _________, a system in which men dominate women and in which thingsa that are considered to be male or masculine are more highly valued than those that are considered to be female or feminine.
  25. __________ _______ - an approach that examines whole societies, large scale structures, and social systems.
    Macro-level analysis
  26. ___________ ______- sociological theory and research that focus on small groups rather than on large scale social structures.
    Micro-level analysis
  27. ________ ___________ __________- the sociological approach that views society as the sum of the interactions of individuals and groups.
    symbolic interactionist perspectives
  28. Theorist that use the ______ _______ perspective focus on the process of _________-defined as immediate reciprocally oriented communications between two or more people- and the part that symbols play in giving meaning to human communication.
    • symbolic interactionist
    • interaction
  29. A ______ is anything that meaningfully represents something else.
  30. ________ _________ occurs when people communicate through the use of symbols.
    Symbolic interaction
  31. _________ __________ occurs in a variety of forms, including facial gestures, posture, tone of voice, and other symbolic gestures (such as handshaking or fist clenching).
    Symbolic communication
  32. Social analysts applying a symbolic interactionist framework to the study of suicide would focus on a ______-_______ ________ of the peoples face to face interactions and the roles they played in society.
    micro level analysis
  33. __________ _____________ - the sociological approach that attempts top explain social life in modern societies that are characterized by postindustrialization, consumerism, and global communications.
    postmodern perspectives
  34. ___________ theories tend to emphasize the fragmented nature of contemporary society brought about by constant change, a situation that leads to feelings of ambivalence among individuals becuase they are uncertain about which course of action they should atke and because there is no one present to help them figure this out.
  35. Functionalism emphasizes -_____ ________ and ______

    Conflict approaches focus primary on _____ ______ and _____

    Symbolic interactionism primarily examines ______ _______ and shared meanings in ________ _____

    ____-__________ challenges all of the other perspectives and questions current belief systems.
    • social cohesion, order
    • social tension, change
    • people's interactions, everyday life
    • Post-modernism
  36. _________ ______ - sociological research methods that are based on the goal of scientific objectivity and that focus on data that can be measured numerically.
    quantitative research
  37. The relationship between theory and research has been referred to as a ________ _____.
    continuous cycle
  38. __________ _______ typically emphasizes complex statistical techniques.
    Quantitative research
  39. Most sociological studies on suicide have used ____________ research.
  40. With qualitative research, interperative descriptions (_____), rather than statistics (_______) are used to analyze underlying meanings and patterns of social relationships.
    • words
    • numbers
  41. The conventional research method focus on _________ research.
  42. __________- a statement of the expected relationship between two or more variables.
  43. _______- in sociological research, any concept with measurable traits or characteristics that can change or vary from one person, time, situation, or society to another.
  44. __________ _______- in an experiment, the variable assumed to be the cause of the relationship between variables
    independant variable
  45. _________ _______- in an experiment, the variable assumed to be caused by the independent variable
    dependent variable
  46. _______-in sociological research, the extent to which a study or research instrument accurately measures what it is supposed to measure
  47. ____________- in sociological research, the extent to which a study or research instrumen yields consistent results when applied to different individuals at one time or to the same individuals over time
  48. The most fundamental relationship in a ________is between the dependent variable and one or more independant variables
  49. A ___ __ _______ is what or whom is being studied.
    unit of analysis
  50. ________ is the process through which dtata are organized so that comparisons can be made and conclusions drawn.
  51. _____ ______ occurs among people who are isolated from any social group.
    Egoistic suicide
  52. _______ _____ occurs among individuals who are excessively integrated into society (example,military leaders who kill themselves after defeat in battle)
    Altruistic suicide
  53. _______ suicide results from a lack of social regulation.
  54. ________ suicide results from excessive regulation and oppressive discipline.
Card Set
Soc 101 - pack 3
third pack of cards from chapter 1